Reviews for Translations: Bullfight
Nicdvidmaker chapter 1 . 11/11/2015
Nice. I would have loved to see them sparring for Joss a bit more.
mschessplayer chapter 1 . 12/21/2013
Rut roh - Ian I truly admire your cojones to fight for your new respectable life with a respectable woman by your side. However, that particular woman has an invisible brand mark burned into her cute dimples that says: Property Of Man-In-The-Suit, Do Not Touch Under Risk of Death.

Ian it's only proper to give you fair warning so lower your eyes in respect to the older bull and slowly back away from his mate.
kaydimz chapter 1 . 11/26/2013
Is there going to be more to this? That can not end there.. It would be an injustice to end it there.
lovemboth chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
I like Ian. I like John. May the best man win. Okay, okay, I love John and he needs to win but I love that Ian has him seeing red while Ian's buying something red. Ole!
et28 chapter 1 . 10/24/2013
Really like this. I like John to feel threatened by someone who seems like he could be worthy of Joss - ahem RIP Cal.
Keep em coming Jakela !
odalys-ortiz chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
Sorry Ian but the better man will always be John. Loved this little translation you put up
nicdvidmaker chapter 1 . 10/16/2013
Love it jakela. As usual. The best man better be John.
Alliecattie3 chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
Enjoyed so much! Think that Ian in the picture might force John to realize he needs to stop wasting his time on who he doesn't want long term, Zoe and go after his heart's desire- Carter!
TheNextPage chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
I love these Translations!

I was a little bit pissed with the John/ Zoe Morgan thing at the end of Lady Killer... this however, has filled me with happy hope. Even if the (official) POI writers wreck it and put them together, we'll have the respite and joy of creations like these.

Can't wait for your next offering!
zenbon zakura chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
awwww i liked john with zoe! carter gets ian! and well... i guess fusco gets his ass kicked by shaw... poor guy can't catch a breat with women... what happened to his other date? they still on?
stlouiegal chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
A second translation, from john's and ian's viewpoint. It was very clear that ian liked joss. She wad different than his other dates. He was at ease talking to her. Even when he took alex, he called joss. Joss talked calm to him, and met him at the oark. Ian I feel would like joss in his life. Joss gave him an open invitation to call her, when the dust settles. If he wanted to. I think joss liked him, after she heard his story. After joss realized ian wasn't a threat to her. She relaxed and was open with him. It felt good to have someone to talk to; someone to make you smile. Someone to cook you dinner. John was jealous. Was it when ian kissed joss, that ticked him off. Or just ian period that bothered john. I saw the panel on sunday. I Don't know if tptb will have john and joss together on the show. I guess this was a tale of two males with raging hormones over one woman. Which bull will gain the prize-joss. Both men are saying non-verbally that the fight is on. It might be nice to see ian back later in the season. Just to infuriate john, maybe take joss out again. Aren't I being very naughty. I really would love to see john and joss together. Will I, only time will tell.
MyNomDeGuerre chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
I liked this lot. I think Ian presents a formidable challenge to John in the short term. I'd like to see them go a few rounds trying to win her affection. Tougher for John, because as Ian noted to himself " never got that close, did you John? Never kissed her, never put your arms around her, never even held her hand."

John never physically showed Joss any affection, so seeing them go at it would be such fun!
blacktop chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
Nice and tense. That exchange between Reese and Ian was really sinister, wasn't it? And the moment when you have Ian realize that Joss has changed his life was a sweet jolt to me. Reese waiting outside the station house was an "of course" moment that I loved! But poor Ian doesn't stand a chance in this fight, even if he paints his whole apartment red. Maybe a scarf would work though...
SWWoman chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
I'm really enjoying these Translations!

Ian vs John, it's ON! (And we know who will win!) Ian just isn't the right guy for our Joss.
opheliablack chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
Your translation series is getting better. I thought the first one (not the piece from The Other Guy) was clunky, the second was okay, this one is better in places, though very limited. However, so far, none of them have been as good as the translation piece from The Other Guy. That one was hilarious and the translations were actually understood between the two people. Despite that, I do hope you continue, because I know when you have it down, it will be worth it. In this one (and possibly the other two), the translations get mixed up with actual thoughts. So while some of it is coming across, some of the important parts aren't. Still, I will read anything you write in this fandom because you are one of the best in it.
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