Reviews for (B) Harry Potter: A Child Prodigy In Wizardry: Junior Level Year Two
Guest chapter 50 . 2/20
good story
fanclaire chapter 50 . 12/28/2019
Merci pour ce fantastique niveau 2!
C'était vraiment merveilleux ! Sirius et Snape sont d'excellents papas!
Sévère ,stricte ,mais si amusant parfois ! ...
Les enfants sont terribles ! Ils cherchent les ennuis et demandent clairement la fessée à leurs papas ! Mais ils sont si innocent et attachant !...
Merci ! Je vais vite aller au niveau 3 !
fanclaire chapter 44 . 12/20/2019
J'ai adoré ce Chapitre aussi !
Harry méritait d'être puni sévèrement, Sirius est un père
exceptionnel !
J'ai aimé Sirius,aidant le lutin,malgré sa colère, c'est un homme bon!
Et parlant à James et lily !
Sirius va peut être avoir besoin de plus que sa main pour punir Harry en grandissant !
fanclaire chapter 26 . 12/16/2019
Merci pour tout ces chapitres fantastique ! Autant de bon moments
d'amours ,de partages,de câlins et de rigolades, que de bonnes fessées méritées ! Drago cherche plus d' ennuis avec son père !
Et le tours avec les moniteurs ne va pas rester impuni ,je pense! Lol
Merci c'est un régal ! Je continue!...
fanclaire chapter 11 . 12/11/2019
J'aime l' humour que tu donnes aux personnages ,beaucoup ! ...
Sirius et Snape sont d'excellents papa ! Sirius a été sévère plus d'une fois !mais Harry le méritait à chaque fois! Tu as tout ce que j'aime ! Merci !
Beaucoup de punitions sur les genoux avec la main ! Et quand Harry avoue ses meffets à son papa et lui dit qu'il pense mérité une fessée !...j'ai adoré !
Merci !
wx4rmk chapter 50 . 5/10/2018
Whoop! Another year completed! I loved how Dumbledore helped organize the end of year "party". With Dumbledore helping, there was no way the boys could get in trouble for creating a giant waterpark inside Hogwarts. Very smart! It sounded like a lot of fun. I always enjoyed those end of year events while I was in college. We even had some fun activities during exam week to help ease the stress of studying, kind of like Harry’s original plan. For me, it always helped my memorization and studying after I took a break for a little bit. Not sure if there is a scientific reasoning for that or if it was just my way of defending my slacking off for an hour or two.

I’m sad to hear that Ginny won’t be joining the rest of the Weasley’s at Hogwarts next year. I was looking forward to seeing her in the Junior level and seeing Ron be a big brother to her. Maybe it can be written into a future story. :)

On to year Three and more adventures!
wx4rmk chapter 46 . 4/28/2018
Well I'm not sure if that coin is as lucky as Harry thinks it is. Harry seems to be a different person when he's not in possession of the coin. And now the coin, or actually lack of coin, has gotten him in trouble. He can't even talk about his problems with Draco as he is refusing to talk to Harry... all because of that "dumb coin". Hopefully the silent treatment won't last too long.

I'm actually impressed Harry has kept the coin a secret from Sirius for so long. Sirius can usually sniff out (no pun intended) when there's trouble. I doubt the coin will be a secret for much longer especially if it keeps causing Harry problems.
wx4rmk chapter 42 . 4/17/2018
Wonderful explanation between Sirius and Harry about what happened when his parents died. It was was a difficult conversation, but one that needed to be had as it was all Harry had been thinking about for the past week. In difficult situations like this, sometimes you just need to talk about them in order to feel better.

More dad/son bonding is in store as they head on vacation for their spring break and this time it will be just Sirius and Harry. It's great when Draco and Severus join them on vacations, but sometimes it just needs to be Sirius and Harry. It should be a fun time and (maybe) less stressful with just the two of them.

I loved that Harry was "attached" to his theme! I don't think I've ever not turned in something because it was so well done. However, I do know I've gone to my teachers and asked if I could keep projects/papers after they've graded them. I still have them after all these years, kept away in storage bins.
wx4rmk chapter 41 . 4/13/2018
Sirius nearly had a heart attack watching his son flying! I'm actually surprised Sirius kept his cool as well as he did considering the circumstances. Not that I like to see Harry punished, but he deserved everything he got for that little stunt. Leaving without telling someone where you're going is just plain dangerous. Even as an adult, I try to let someone know where I'm going most times because you never know when something will happen.

The boys definitely didn't think they did anything wrong and Draco was/is bound to try something similar. Severus was smart in pulling Draco aside and explaining what Harry did wrong, why it was wrong, and what would happen if Draco attempted something like that. 50 points to Severus for being a good dad!

Hmm...Sirius is requesting to see Harry. The elf's message makes it sound ominous. Surely Harry isn't already in trouble again?
wx4rmk chapter 32 . 4/3/2018
Well, things are getting back to normal after the exhausting ski trip.

I didn't know Draco and Harry weren't in the dorm last term. I know they don't stay in the dorm when they're in trouble, but I assumed they always went back after restriction was over. I probably just missed that detail. Regardless, they are returning to their friends! And there looks like there might be some new classes for them. Fingers crossed they pick magical creatures! It's by far my favorite, or would be, if I had to choose. :)

But you had to leave me with a cliffhanger. No fair! I can't see Harry cheating or allowing Ron to if he knew about it. Sirius has discussed that issue with him a few times in the past and Harry has hopefully learned from it. But Severus was pretty angry with both boys and Sirius will be too. I can only hope he will listen to Harry's side before dishing out punishment.
wx4rmk chapter 25 . 3/17/2018
A wonderful Christmas was had by all. I'm curious to see what Severus' reaction will be to the joke gift Draco purchased.

And another vacation for the boys and dads is coming up! Playing and skiing in the snow isn't exactly my idea of a good time, but I'm sure Harry and Draco will enjoy it. I sure hope somebody warned the ski resort that the boys are coming as they don't exactly have the best record for going on vacations without causing mischief. Are the dads going to try skiing as well? I can't picture Snape on skis but then again he's surprised me in this story before.
wx4rmk chapter 17 . 3/11/2018
Good day, Bad night is an appropriate name for this chapter. Harry had a wonderful time with his friends, but things turned for the worse once everyone went home and he was back with Sirius. He just barely escaped punishment earlier in the night and Harry kept pushing Sirius until his patience wore out. It sounds like Harry is sick, though, which is probably why he was so irritable. This was the second time in the past day that weird symptoms have surfaced, but instead of telling an adult, he’s trying to hide his sickness. Ignoring the symptoms will only make the illness worse. Hope it’s nothing too serious and he gets over it relatively quickly.
wx4rmk chapter 10 . 3/3/2018
It almost doesn't seem fair that Harry was the only one who received a physical reprimand for the hair color incident. But then again, the Weasley twins got extra punishment from Snape that Harry didn't receive. For me though, because I hate to write, the essay the twins have to write would be a worse punishment anyway. :)

Loved the teasing about the grades, although I would have been annoyed if my parents had tried that when I was in school. Glad both boys did well though!

Another great vacation almost complete-and surprisingly both boys behaved themselves for the most part.
wx4rmk chapter 4 . 2/26/2018
I literally gasped out loud at Harry's response to his math teacher about where to take his desk. Harry is old enough to know what the teacher really meant. Sirius is not going to be happy at all once he hears about this incident.

Glad the train trip was an enjoyable event, well besides almost getting in trouble for "being missing" and the confrontation with that Pippen character. I have a feeling this isn't the last we'll hear about him.

And...Harry you need to listen to Sirius about how Slytherin's are not all mean. I'm a Slytherin and I don't think I'm mean or evil, or am I? :)
wx4rmk chapter 2 . 2/14/2018
Well, the boys sure have found their fair share of trouble already and the school year hasn't even started yet! This is going to be a long year-long for the dads at least. :)

So excited they get to ride on the Hogwarts express though! Looking forward to reading all about their first trip on the train!
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