Reviews for My Lover's a Mikutard
KOWritesIt chapter 1 . 11/21/2014
I am not into vocaloid but this was job!
Little J owo chapter 1 . 11/15/2013
Have you ever heard of Izaya's cover for "Renai Circulation", or Kida's cover for "Fukkireta"? Those are my favorites. Oh! How could I forget "Hito Hito Hito" (Izaya parody of "Ponponpon")?
Keep up the Duracoloid fanfics! Ba ba da da da, I'm lovin' it!
DokidokiMariel46 chapter 1 . 10/26/2013
OHMYGOD, LOLOL im dying, ahhaahha
Kuro.Lunette14 chapter 1 . 10/12/2013
I totally understand how Izaya feels. First you think it's weird and then you're like 'Wow, that's amazing' and you can't stop wanting to learn more and hear more. Suddenly that's all you hear and you can't stop talking about how amazing it is. Vocaloid is like a virus. Though I love Oliver the most. Vocaloid is amazing. :D
TamaChi-Neko chapter 1 . 10/9/2013
Hahahahaha! *roll around the floor while laughing in tears*
I love Shizuo's reaction for the last part! Hahaha! Izaya is a hardcore vocaloid fan !
Go Izaya! *wave the Miku glow stick*
Hanako-Chan16 chapter 1 . 10/8/2013
Oh my god...hysterical.