Reviews for Road To Impact
CyberianGinseng chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
I really wanted to read this story. Despite the bigamy theme, it had some interesting ideas. However, I can't get into it. Every paragraph I'm being taken out of the story by bad grammar and/or spelling. It's ridiculous. You seriously need a proof reader. It's impossible to enjoy this story with so many errors. Sorry. I like crossovers and I've only read one decent DC/Naruto crossover. I was hoping to read a good Marvel/Naruto crossover. Unfortunately, this is not going to be the one. Bummer. I liked some of the concepts here.
DeisuiNeko chapter 1 . 10/29/2013
I love the ending, too funny.
SkiesEagle chapter 1 . 10/7/2013
This is interesting. I been looking for a crossover for NaruSaku but NaruSakuHina can work on my taste. :)
I laugh at the last part. Poor Naruto, that's a second times he done that. Sakura didn't mean to. XD
I am looking forward for the next time for a new chapter to story up.