Reviews for The Hyuuga Massacre
KookieL chapter 34 . 9/16
It's been 4 years already you will you continue itahina success with their plan or fail cause madara and zetsu?hmmm.
Why pein invasion to konoha didn't involved?
You know part kisame disguise to find jiraiya's weakness was incredible.
I do agree with you when you wrote that itachi can't just laid with random people cause yah he's a criminal who knows if the women that laid with is ninja or worse anbu?i think it's fine to not physically close to anyone.
The best part is kisame suspect itachi is a
Prettyprincessfall chapter 15 . 5/9
hahahaha yes I love it!
Prettyprincessfall chapter 11 . 5/9
Prettyprincessfall chapter 6 . 5/9
I love kisame. He is one of my top three favorites. Thank you for giving his character some depth.
Prettyprincessfall chapter 5 . 5/9
Prettyprincessfall chapter 1 . 5/9
oh my. I am intrigued.
Toasty santa chapter 1 . 9/20/2019
geese hinata in this jumps to conclusions why does she think uchiah are gay?
theUchihaSacrifice chapter 4 . 6/5/2019
I can see that this story was made before Shippuden finished soooooo to point things out Tsukuyomi doesn't have a limit, Itachi showed Izummi a total time length of 70 years or so.
Guest chapter 34 . 12/8/2018
Dang it! Time passes when ur reading this hell a gob book. Please update soon. Thanks111
Guest chapter 34 . 12/6/2018
Please continue!
1awesomestar chapter 34 . 9/14/2018
1awesomestar chapter 1 . 9/14/2018
Please, I need more, I really need more
Hina Uchiha Granfoy chapter 34 . 8/15/2018
I am the one from the previous comment
Guest chapter 34 . 8/15/2018
Hello! Excuse me, but I do not even know how to start expressing my feelings towards your story. A long time ago I had heard about this fanfic, because a girl was translating it, but unfortunately, she stayed in the first or second chapter. Only this week, I took the liberty of going to the original fanfic, because the curiosity for that original and fresh story was suffocating me. So, even though my original language is Spanish, and I do not have much English proficiency, I asked a friend of mine that I could trust to help me communicate with you. Now let me confess something to you, your story is a true wonder, it is sublime. Honestly, for quite some time I have not read a fanfic as good as this one. It makes you feel each of the emotions that, I imagine, you wanted to convey. Despite the anguish and melancholy that transformed Hinata, her new self also evolved, and now, despite the initial differences, she and Itachi are united, more than that. I loved that their first kiss was reciprocated and better than that, to show them that they are so for what, despite the doubts and all they have suffered, that they thought they were not deserving of such a beautiful feeling, they have risked and It is the most fair thing they can do. Selfish is, undoubtedly, a fantastic romantic chapter, I admit that romantic stories are my favorite, but I did not even realize that they had spent 30 and so many chapters for their first physical demonstration. Although when they were in the best part, they had to ruin it, but it was a good revenge, I admit it. Now I pray, I hope, I wish, that they can get around to mocking everyone so that their plans work. I hope you do not have to suffer anymore, I'm dying if that happens. I look forward to knowing what will happen. And I congratulate you, enormously, for an imagination and a unique creativity. You do it wonderfully. Thank you very much for this phenomenal story. You have a faithful follower here. We will see what happens with Hanabi and the others, but they are perfect. ** It has been about 3 months since I wrote this note. I wanted to translate it with someone I trusted but I could not, so I will do it online and I hope you can be simple and accessible to you. I will wait for you faithfully.
Guest chapter 34 . 5/14/2018
When are you gonna update?!
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