Reviews for Sisterly spankings
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2018
She got guys who can break walls yet still crys over spanking
Pyromania101 chapter 2 . 11/28/2013
Here's an idea. Granted, they aren't sisters (I think), but maybe Peach could spank Daisy after turning her into a little kid or something.
Insieme per la vittoria chapter 2 . 10/20/2013
I've never played Anarchy Reigns, but that younger sister Ai Rin sounds a great deal like Cassandra in personality. Well, Cassandra is NOT my favourite Soulcalibur character by a long shot.
Insieme per la vittoria chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
mean. I prefer Sophitia to Cassandra, though. Cassandra always annoyed me.