Reviews for We'll Meet Again
Guest chapter 16 . 5/24/2018
wow this story is soo good, really enjoyed reading it, Thank you so much for your talent..
DarkeeseLatifah chapter 1 . 7/19/2017
just found this storu and amazed, read it all in one sitting. i know its been forever, but i hope you do come back and finish
MzMocha chapter 16 . 7/10/2017
Any hopes of you ever picking up this story again? I hope so!
Guest chapter 16 . 12/31/2016
This was such a great story wish you could and pick it up again.
Bujuman chapter 16 . 9/12/2016
Hoping you'll update even though it doesn't look like you'll. One of a kind story, nothing else compares to it, even in the afterlife they found each other.
ntlpurpolia chapter 16 . 7/8/2016
I really love this story! I think it's really true to character and exciting. Please continue!
Ravyn Nightstorm chapter 7 . 7/24/2015
So, I just started reading this yesterday and just now noticed that it hasn't been updated in a while - please tell me this story is either completed or will be bc I'm loving it so far!
dispatcher652 chapter 16 . 11/5/2014
Damn! This is a good story. I love the time jumps between the past and the present. It makes me root for my favorite couple even more. I was so sad to read when Liv died and how Fitz went after her only to be too late. I hope in this future that these two find the happy ending the past denied them. Please update when you can.
grace de gold chapter 16 . 11/4/2014
OMG I LOVE THIS STORY! I've spent all day at school Trying to read it all and it hasnt been easy. (I study medicine) and now I have a question... Are you still updating it? Also is the General, Teddy? Or Teddy's son? Since he still has the surname Grant and was raised in the bunker. Great story :)
Earthmother29 chapter 16 . 9/25/2014
Beautiful scary and full of action, I cant wait for the update
Earthmother29 chapter 11 . 9/25/2014
Ahh I was wrong its Big jerry,i was hoping him and jake and mellie would not pop tell me Mellie does not show, I wonder about Fitz's dream could it be about the attach while he having a memory in the form of a are a very talended writer, much better then the creator of Scandal.
Earthmother29 chapter 10 . 9/25/2014
The general is Cyrus,and I was hoping that liv survived the attack and that after the blast they found rach other among the rubble, even though you said she definitely died.I wanted mordern day Fitz and liv to live and have this be a dream while they wee in a still crying over chapter one when Fitz finds out Liv died and Good ol To had to punch him.
Earthmother29 chapter 3 . 9/24/2014
Lol getting interesting, Fitz is a bounty hunter right?
Earthmother29 chapter 2 . 9/24/2014
Like so far I can actually picture this in my mind, you are very talented.
Earthmother29 chapter 1 . 9/24/2014
Sad, am already sad
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