Reviews for The Game
Guest chapter 4 . 12/30/2019
Plz update :(
Guest chapter 4 . 12/21/2018
Please update this! This is one of my favorites. It is very unique and dark and honest. The character development is so interesting. I would love to see how everything plays out!
Coconut chapter 4 . 6/11/2018
O me encanta su escritura, de los pocos buenos escritores que se encuentran por este foro. Espero que continĂșe con Ă©ste por favor.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/15/2018
Please update this. It's amazing. I really want them to get together for real. Hopefully they have feelings for each other
Guest chapter 4 . 8/2/2017
I really love this story and i lost the number of times i have read this. I hope you finish this and you're other fictions one day cause they are all wonderfall but most have left in cliffhangers.
yazaru116 chapter 4 . 5/30/2016
I still really like this story, read it again for the 7th time,usually I read nejiten's , like ur other stories but Im really loving this sasuten. I really hope u will continue your great work, with all your stories, and find the time to write, at your pace.
Ja ne!
guest chapter 4 . 1/16/2016
One of my favorite fanfictions. I love how you write! I hope you update soon because this is honestly too good to go unfinished (:
J.Bean1 chapter 4 . 12/29/2015
I just read all four chapters and I really hope you update this story so it's really good.
dumdeedum chapter 1 . 12/8/2015
This crack pairing always intrigued me. I like Tenten, she seems the most level headed kunoichi in the rookie nine, She is neither boy obsessed or insecure about herself. However of the many stories in my favorites, I only have one of this pairing. So I'm glad I stumbled onto your story to add to my list.

This looks great! Chapter one flows very well. The story line flows well and the dialogue fluid. There are no misspellings, perfect grammar and while this is AU and has one OC (for now), I think everyone is in character. I get excited when I come across a good writer here. It's a rarity in fanfiction.
Giada Luna chapter 4 . 6/19/2015
FFN doesn't let you add a review to chapters you've already reviewed.

Just wanted you to know I read through this again and still really like the story and the dynamic you have created. I really hope you continue this; I am curious to see where you take it and what the end-game is.

anon chapter 4 . 5/14/2015
I love this fanfic! I hope you update soon... it's been almost a year :c
fanofthisfiction chapter 4 . 3/19/2015
The gentle compassion of Neji is always heartbreaking and Tenten being in love with him makes it all the more sad and complicated. You capture that sadness so well.

I am constantly drawn to every word and thought of Sasuke. The ghost-like thoughts lingering of lessons learned from his mother give hope that he has an understanding of what is the right thing to do and instills hope that he can be the person he dreams to be and have her be a part of that dream too. The way he admonishes himself is critical to giving some compassion his way, otherwise I know this would be a very different story. The romantic in me, hopes he ultimately lets those lessons seep in but I can't wait to see where you take it.

Discussions with Sakura and Neji really drove points home and the knowledge that abuse is taking place and they are concerned over it was a great way of showing how everyone is so closely involved that news spreads like wildfire and there is somewhat of a support structure for each if they want/need it.

I have my own ideas on where I think or hope this is heading but of course look forward to what you have planned.

On a separate note though, I read your profile and am so sorry to hear about your Grandparent. Unexpected turns in life are not always easy to bear. It's important to take time to be there and it's certainly understandable not to update. I am fine to wait however long it is until an update comes from you. Having posted my very first story, I can understand how much time, energy, and creative flow is needed and a clarity needs to come within the environment sometimes to get things going. The main thing is to take care and take things as they come. May good things ultimately come in time.
fanofthisfiction chapter 3 . 3/19/2015
I simply adore the careful reasoning done in each chapter. I had not much thought about why Naruto and Sakura couldn't really be together in the end, but how it would simply change the dynamics of their relationships really makes sense.

This story has intimate thoughts trail so closely to their pain, it carefully carves out a picture of who they are, what they are feeling, and why. I've always craved to know what went through Sasuke's mind, how he could do what he did and make amends with it, but this piece really delves deep into what he could be thinking and has me reading at the edge of my seat. Thanks for sharing.
fanofthisfiction chapter 2 . 3/18/2015
The pain of loosing a lover and a best friend is done so well here. You really feel bad for both of them and wonder what is to become of love. The raw emotions run rampant and the contrasts are so vivid, it sends deep impressions indeed.
fanofthisfiction chapter 1 . 3/18/2015
Wow, this chapter was beautifully constructed and intricately weaved. The pain going on in each of the character's lives is rivoting and the intensity keeps me glued to my seat. I very much hope you continue with this tale and look forward to reading on.
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