Reviews for Sins of the Father
Jling chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
Please update soon! I am also looking for Sins of the flesh . It's so good and we are all dying to see what happens! Are you still writing these stories ?
colombianagirl chapter 1 . 2/5/2014
When are you going to update again?
vintage101 chapter 2 . 2/5/2014
Please please update i read the previous version of this and some of the sequel Love them both and really want to Know what happens .
Lorelli darkscarlet chapter 2 . 12/13/2013
I loved this story and read it on your other pen name Emily Bowden and started the second. The cliffs is driving me crazy plz plz plz zzz can u update it!
lucyhalemass chapter 2 . 11/22/2013
update soon !
thexkat chapter 2 . 10/19/2013
hey there!
i just found this story today earlier and i really liked it! so i hope you'll be updating soon, i love the mortal instruments and so this fic seems pretty interesting plus youre quite the writer!
so ill just say me gusta! like, a lot! haha
Clace chapter 1 . 10/13/2013
Hi! I absolutely love your story! Please, please, please update soon! I wa previously reading this story on your other acc but it got taken down before I could finish it and I really hope that I get to finish reading this story!
VampiressBeauty20 chapter 2 . 10/12/2013
I absolutely love the detail and emotion you put into this, it's wonderful. Update soon!
abnoname chapter 2 . 10/6/2013
It's great to see you back on Fanfic. I read the original Sins of the Father by you and it was great! Your AN seems to say you've improved on the story? Well I also started reading Sins of the Flesh and hope you will be re-posting and completing that now too because it's an awesome story! You are one if the best writers to come along I this genre. Bravo!
ChantelWhite88 chapter 2 . 10/4/2013
Hi First of all I just wanted to say how I love your version of The Mortal Instrument stories I've been reading it non-stop on my phone for days I just got done with chapter 29 when everything was getting really good until I tried to go to chapter 30 a message came up about the story being taken down. I was pissed to say the least. I immediately umped on my computer because I thought something may have been wrong with my phone but I came here to your new and saw you were re-posting the story and I was wondering if you would be re-posting all the chapters. Also congratulations on your books being published,I definitely plan to read in the future.
oddgoddess chapter 2 . 9/27/2013
i just finished what you've written for Sins of the Flesh and I'm so anxious for the next chapter. You did say it would be continued on this account, right? Can't wait for an update!
barb6910 chapter 2 . 9/25/2013
Great to see you back, look forward to fabulous updates! I usually wait for a story to be finished before reading.. But I can't wait with yours!

Thanks :)
Moonlight Blizzard chapter 2 . 9/25/2013
Yay! You're back!
Jules.2707 chapter 2 . 9/24/2013
He he...i didn't read this AN! Ahah how embarassing! I even followed this autor!
Sorry!omg! How embarassing!
Jules.2707 chapter 1 . 9/24/2013
But...this is like another story i read last year that i liked a lot! It's copied!
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