Reviews for The Tiger and the Lamb
Guest chapter 41 . 7/12
Wow, amazing story! Thanks!
Aquila1 chapter 41 . 6/25
I've found myself recently sucked back into the world of The Mentalist and have been enjoying going through old stories and finding ones I missed the first time around. This is one of the latter and I'm really glad I found it. I think this is the best Red John focused story I've ever read. You did a phenomenal job weaving all of the threads together in to a very complex and satisfying ended, more satisfying, really, than the show managed to pull off. I can only imagine you had your own bulletin board to keep track of all of the pieces.
I really enjoyed this and look forward to the continuing piece. Thanks for putting so much effort into this.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8
I’m late to the mentalist, obviously, but LOVE it. However, I’ve read your Red John resolution twice now, and it honestly makes way more sense than the show’s. Thanks for tying it all together, and for such a great set of characterizations!
mario1512 chapter 41 . 6/1
It's amazing! It's so cleverly written, I really enjoyed it.
Maharadaffny chapter 41 . 5/10
Maravillosa historia, gran final, tu red John fue espectacular, seguiré leyendo la continuación.
JeevesMyMan chapter 41 . 5/3
Loved the story. How strong all the characters are portrayed and such an astute idea for bulletin board. Thanks so much for writing.
Alley2 chapter 41 . 4/16
OMG this story! I'm just blown away at how good this was. Great characterization, great plotting. Thank you so much for this.
Atomicheavybike chapter 1 . 3/1
Great stuff - better wrap up to Red John than the show!
justajisbonfan chapter 36 . 2/13
Omg I’m criying right now
Guest chapter 41 . 2/1
Amazing story! Loved it from start to finish.
Whovianeverlark17 chapter 41 . 1/14
Amazing story. I love it!
Shoes chapter 35 . 11/15/2019
I have to admit, as soon as I read that Rigsby needed to check on his son I had a gut feeling he was taken
Quite an interesting story
Jisbon28 chapter 41 . 7/12/2019
Damn! This is something incredibly detailed, I really admire all of it. The consistency and they way with what you tied all the loose ends is just amazing. Congratulations for being such a devoted writer and well, the best for you.
MartyMc49 chapter 40 . 6/18/2019
Wow. WOW. What a glorious fight - for Jane and Lisbon!
MartyMc49 chapter 39 . 6/18/2019
Something we’ve all wanted to happen - Jane whispering sweet nothings into Lisbon’s ear. Okay probably not while locked in the trunk of a car. Very imaginative!
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