Reviews for A Million Sherds
MissMelysse chapter 123 . 10/2/2014
I've resisted leaving a note on this chapter because as long as I didn't I could pretend the story wasn't over. Denial much? But ultimately, I had to say this: I was trepidatious about this story...the pairing, the incredibly dark and painful themes, but you've pulled it all together so well, and I've enjoyed visiting your version of the Trekiverse so much, through this and your other stories, that I can only sum it up with a single word:


(And then there's tons of applause)
Zara08 chapter 123 . 9/30/2014
So brave, so very very brave our will. How you've made Rosie part of him, the braver stronger part of will, is a great tribute to her memory. Scarily, she seems so real. And wills honesty is shining through as he admits the deaths, the errors, his follies and his nightmares and yes his love. A beautiful chapter. Laughed at da costas request to learn how to hog tie the commander ;-)
Zara08 chapter 122 . 9/29/2014
Oh bugger, what were those names riker offered? Another riker ruse perhaps to stall Picard? What was in the suitcase? Poor balum :(
SherryGabs chapter 123 . 9/29/2014
My goodness, you had my heart pounding, wondering if both the Rikers were going to go out that hole in the wall. McBride did a great job of dealing with Will in that scene. Telling Will that his father wanted him to help end his pain and inability to be real was very well worded.

That short scene between Will and Da Costa was very cute. The fact that he pointed out "when" Will becomes first officer again he can put him on report reinforced to Will that he still has a future.

And the fact that Will wants to face Mrs. Kalugin and explain about Rosie shows what a strong man he is.

I must say I am sad to see this come to an end. Even though I've been begging to find out the conclusion for so long. LOL. This is definitely in my top 5 most well written and exciting stories. I congratulate you and thank you for a job well done.
MissMelysse chapter 122 . 9/29/2014
Oh. My. F*cking. God.
That was...awesome? Scary?
I can literally feel paradigms shifting.

Poor Will.
SherryGabs chapter 121 . 9/24/2014
Another very fine chapter. I know I've told you how much I love how you write these characters and all the fascinating things you do with them. Well, here I am saying it again!

I also appreciate how consistent you are with getting new chapters out.

MissMelysse chapter 121 . 9/23/2014
The anger and pain (emotional and physical) in this chapter are both so powerful. It was a difficult read. I imagine it must've been difficult to write.
Zara08 chapter 121 . 9/23/2014
So will pushed Garcia out of the hole? Oh geez willies going to be locked away for sure now :(
SherryGabs chapter 120 . 9/21/2014
Oh, here you go again with leaving us hanging. LOL. Yeah, but we love it.

All the "I shot hims" were very powerful. Like Will couldn't believe he'd actually done it. But he's keeping his head together for the most part and that's a very good thing. Too bad Garcia had to wake up. I'm hoping Will left his comm badge on during this talk with Garcia so Picard knows what's happening.

Looking forward to the next installment as always.
Zara08 chapter 120 . 9/21/2014
Oh no! Another cliff hanger! Incredible writing of the fight scenes,the descriptions felt I was watching it as an actual episode...geez...poor will, he's holding together well considering the surrounding environment of smoke, blood and flashbacks. I so want to know the plan too!
MissMelysse chapter 120 . 9/21/2014
Holy F*ck.
(I'm asterisking because of 's filters, not because I thing you're a language prude.)

In my head, every instance of "I shot him" felt like another pulse of the phaser, or a bullet.

It's so visceral and emotionally brutal, and yet note-perfect.
MissMelysse chapter 119 . 9/17/2014
I always think I know where you're going with these chapters, and you always manage to subtly twist things. The tension here is palpable. I both want to read what comes next, and can't bear to, at once.
Zara08 chapter 119 . 9/17/2014
Oh boy, what a cliff fingers are stretching with anticipation for the next part. You write extremely well for mcbride, so well in fact that I feel calm when reading his part :-) please say there is more soon, in fact very soon :-) beg beg beg
SherryGabs chapter 119 . 9/17/2014
Wonderful! My goodness, you certainly know how to keep a reader on the edge. Grrrr. I am soooo looking forward to the next chapter. Seriously! LOL
sharkissel chapter 118 . 9/10/2014
"I shot him."
Yes! Thank you. I've been waiting for this. Can't wait for more.
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