Reviews for Long Distance
Guest chapter 20 . 6/28/2019
Are you even continuing with the story ...plzz don't stop writing cause it's amazing!
Huge fann!
Plzz update fast!
Saphire282 chapter 20 . 5/8/2018

Lol I don't mean this in a critical sense, but I wasn't aware you could get away with this much under a T rating. I have no complaints, but still lol I feel as though there was enough lead in that little was left to the imagination.

Oh god, I got such feels though. I'm in an long distance relationship, and I haven't been in the same room as my mate since last November. That sort of yearning of wanting to kiss and cuddle again that you feel like you're going to explode when you see each other. That's so real. Lol reading through this chapter has only made me more impatient for my own visit coming up _

I'm glad you're continuing this story :D lol also I think it's cute that Haru is proudly claiming to be a mean flirt. If any style suits him, it'd be that one.
ceras1s chapter 19 . 4/8/2018
Hello dear,

It's been a very long time since I read your fic, I used to read it back at 2013 (how time flies!)

Not sure you'd remember, used to comment as crimsonshark (I'm not even sure which account I logged into right now only to leave this comment) and I'm pretty convinced we spoke over other platform than messaging a few times, however for the love of god, I can't remember where.

Anyhow, over the course of months back then I did stop following the fic, because each chapter was so emotionally wrecking and I wanted to wait for more to be out before I read more, over the course of time I had fallen out and in Free! But I mostly stopped reading any fanfictions of the fandom, since I write with my friend most of the HaruRin I consume.

However ever since that day I have followed your fic in my mail notifications and it always made me smile to see you still updating, to know you are as committed to the story as you promised to be from the start, a very few fanfiction writers has similar commitment.

I'm writing this because I read your message on the top of the fanfiction and it made me happy, I'm glad that you're doing fine and I'm happy to hear that you've achieved things in life that you had hoped to, and that you're in a good spot and things are working out for you!

((I hope it means the fic has a happy ending haha :D ))

I surely plan on reading the whole thing one day, it's one of those things I just know I'll do because I remember just how beautifully it was written and hot raw it was.

It's crazy how time passes, you're 25 already and I'm 23... I got the blues for a moment reading how young you were when you started writing it, I remember thinking you were so mature and skilled

p.s did you hear that Free! will have season 3?

I hope you don't mind this silly and slightly random message, I was just glad to see you doing fine!

lili chapter 19 . 1/5/2018
its so awesome to read this ! so when is the next update? i already read twice now ... thank you so much for your hard work :)
suyen11 chapter 13 . 9/12/2017
Omg! Haruka likes Rin! Of course I knew that since the beginning, but it was still such a nice build up. Very nice chapter!
lilitears chapter 19 . 9/1/2017
is this over? no... need more chapters... i thought gou x makoto pair ... well anyways d story made my heart squeeze tight ...
prettyreklessA7X chapter 1 . 7/7/2017
I really enjoyed! Nice writing. 3 I just wrote my very first fanfic and it's about these two. :)
Guest chapter 19 . 6/23/2017
So I know you updated like a week ago now or something but I wanted to re read from the beginning again which i was kind of slow about. Anyways i love your story so much and always end up re reading it if it takes awhile for you to update.

This will probably sound odd but like this story and your writing of it are so good that when it's done i honestly want a physical paperback copy of this when it's finished which will be awesome and sad I'm sure. Anyways i probably had better things to say before but can't remember now so I'll just leave it at this: i love this fic and can't wait for more and will be sad when it is over. I would also like to wish you well in your life as i know things can be difficult. That is all, until next time.
EDJennie chapter 19 . 6/18/2017
I really could feel the fear of Haruka's heart. I understand you're growing up as an adult but I'm 38 and still feel that way some times. It' terrifying how you can watch your friends moving on... and you seem to be stucked in one place. The way Haru watches Makoto leaves was heartbreaking. I could hear his soul screaming for an explanation "what Am I doing?" And " Am I gonna be alone? What Am I going to do?"

That was beautiful. The time that passes whitout nothing to tell, the waiting, the love for someone who isn't there, the fear, the friendships that could be broken by distance...

I'll be waiting for the last chapters. Great job
jabouhajar chapter 18 . 1/26/2017
OMLLL updateee pleaseee your writing is incredibly
ShadoweGoddess chapter 18 . 11/28/2016
Did I... Did I just read this beautiful gorgeous piece of work in less then 24 hours? (Not counting my passing out at 8am... I want to read more and more and more...) I hope to see an update soon.

I also hope you continue writing in this fandom, you write beautifully. I'm currently semi reading Retrograde, Prograde on my phone and typing this on my laptop. Just... Wow.

Please, more?
Guest chapter 18 . 11/12/2016
I just want to say I love your story. Every time you update I've been re reading this from the beginning because I love it so much. There are slight grammar mistakes etc. but it's really good and I like how in character everyone is and in universe everything is. I can't wait until you update. I will be sad when this story end though because it is the best Rin/Haru fic i have found so far. So I want to say thanks for writing it and thanks in advance for saying you will finish it even though it will take some time.
HungryChesire chapter 18 . 8/28/2016
im crying. this is so heartbreaking
shingekinolife chapter 17 . 8/19/2016
Oh my goodness. This fic has become life for me. I am a huge makoharu shipper really, but you have somehow sold rinharu to me and for that I say good on you! The slow build is delicious (for lack of a better word) and you stay so true to the characters! I love LOVE love this fic and I can't wait to read more :D
dandelionsanddaisies chapter 17 . 8/8/2016
THIS FIC. THIS FIC. HOLY FUCK THIS FIC. ITS THE BEST FREE FANFICTION IVE EVER READ. argh just everything about it, and you've done it so well and the way that you showed how Haru liked Rin without making it really cliche and obvious and ugh everything EVERYTHING I need more I'm dying i need more I'm so in love with it ;-; please update soon
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