Reviews for A Tale From The Sand
ClaireR89 chapter 38 . 3/14
You gonna update?
andjelija.nenic chapter 25 . 1/17
Update more chapters about this story,because it's the best,extra and the great story that I was reading about it,and I am also starting to love and to like reading to this story. So can you please write more chapters,because I want to know what happens in the next chapters about it. THANKS SO MUCH FOR WRITTEN TO THIS STORY,thanks so much about it.&&&£££%%%$$$
ClaireR89 chapter 2 . 6/16/2019
Jon's personality doesn't mean with him joining the Nights Watch. I hope he doesn't go
SEAGUL chapter 14 . 7/26/2018
I'm going to have to stop reading this story. You keep killing and bring back people, I can't keep track of what happening. You said in Alys's POV that she got word that Olyvar Frey was the new Lord of the Crossing, but in Jon's POV you killed him. You killed Oberyn Martell in Tyrion's POV and then had him sail into Sunspear with the Mountain's head in Sansa's.

I normally like your writing, I've read your stuff on AO3, and I went looking for more of your stories, but this one has issues. I think you need to edit this from the begining to fix some of this.
SEAGUL chapter 9 . 7/26/2018
Wait, how did Greywind die? I read that section three times. He howls, Alys gets her father and his men to mount up and then they run from a Frey into the Neck and then Alys thinks about Robb and Greywimd being dead. When/How did Greywind die?
tsevca chapter 3 . 10/7/2017
And you lost me. I was intrigued, but if you have things happen the same in 98 %, it's kind of pointless to read your story. I can simply read the books again. It is debateable how much our choices change our lives. Some believe that one decision is just a drop in the sea of things and wouldn't change much in the bigger picture, some believe in the Butterfly effect, that even the slightest change can grow with time and cause bigger and bigger differences. Whatever you and I believe, the second theory is more attractive to readers.
Vaanarash chapter 2 . 9/18/2017
Why would Jon still want to join the Watch? I'm not an expert on the books/show, but I was always under the impression that Jon joined the Watch in large part because Catelyn didn't like him and he was raised in a society that said that bastards couldn't amount to much otherwise. You Jon spent more than half his life in Dorne where being a bastard wasn't seen as that big of a deal. Just seems like he'd still have a lot going for him in this fic.

Peace, Vaan.
timijaf chapter 38 . 7/13/2016
Great story
Guest chapter 1 . 12/18/2015
Im definitely sure I began reading this, and I'm pretty sure I dropped it for some reason. Can't remember even when, and definitely not why.
Guest chapter 11 . 10/24/2015
great chapter title :)
Guest chapter 38 . 6/18/2015
To be honest, I totally skipped the italics. It was too confusing. That is mostly my only problem. The crazy character at the end, to be purposely vague, while different from the books, didn't feel impossible.

I would expect more investigation or something from that character, Even if the results are still the same, but I understand.
gsaint413 chapter 38 . 3/6/2015
Good Ending
Vexuq chapter 38 . 2/3/2015
This fanfiction was definitely different, I usually am really in love with Daenerys so this was one of the biggest problems I had with this fic but everything else was really well done and well written.

Good job, I do think that Daenerys' madness wasn't explained enough, in my opinion. I don't know if you were truly trying to make her OOC and has always had that much madness in her or it was a fall into madness.

Very well done!
Malyx Blackfyre chapter 38 . 1/21/2015
Nice story ending.
Malyx Blackfyre chapter 31 . 1/21/2015
(Sigh) Another war...
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