Reviews for Blue Romance
akenji chapter 10 . 1/5
please finish
a forgotten place chapter 4 . 11/13/2016
The only reason people post stories on this site is to inflate their egos or to troll others. Which one are you?
a forgotten place chapter 3 . 11/13/2016
Thing is, people who write stories with very graphic or sexual content secretly want to do all those things in real life but are too cowardly to climb out of the toilet and admit it. They pretend to be shy, soft spoken normal people. It's a dangerous deception.

That's why I am justified in being an asshole and destroying your literary careers. You are pretenders indulging in your grotesque fantasies while pretending to be normal people in real life.

Me? I'm upfront about my wickedness. I am an asshole on this site as much as I am in real life. The villains in my stories are a near exact representation of my true self.

And even I don't write porn or rated M fiction like you do.
a forgotten place chapter 2 . 11/13/2016
Thing is, most people on this site aren't writers. They have only deceived themselves into thinking they are writers. No one owns the characters. That means, I or anyone, can defame, libel, and steal your or anyone else's work and claim it as our own.

Most people on this site have gigantic profiles to flaunt their egos and mask the fact that they cannot write. They want to be acknowledged as artists and creative out of the box thinkers but they are only pretenders, including yourself.

They look for a quick way to fame then blame others for their own inability to write.

When the true path to success, fame, infamy, and fear is actually that of the flamer- me.

I'm a vicious, flame baiting asshole who routinely abuses fandoms, clutters reviews with hateful spam, chases writers off the site, and encourages the bashing of them.

And I'm far more successful than the average "writer" on this site.

Better to be feared than to live in fear.

Remember that.

Start fighting back. Start toughening yourself up.

Or continue to have your literary careers wrecked by the likes of evil me.
a forgotten place chapter 1 . 11/13/2016
I know you're just pretending to be a warm, charismatic writer. You are far from it.

Stop pretending to be polite and start threatening me back.
A Velvet Rose chapter 2 . 10/25/2015
Me again! A few more things (you asked for constructive criticism!):

There shouldn't be any explanation in an A/N that couldn't be conveyed within the narrative.

You can't just soar on an invisible dragon around NYC unnoticed. The Avengers would have been called or the police or SOMEONE. And JARVIS was just *conveniently* not looking at those specific cameras for some reason that isn't really explain. Plus, how does Anora know about JARVIS? How does she even know what electricity is?

Azura doesn't want to leave Anora, so the dragons hides in some mountains. That's pretty far from New York City. I don't see how that's a compromise.

That was not enough time for the Avengers to get from point A to point B. If everyone else is armed, why isn't Tony in his suit? Why is Anora waiting for them to make the first move when she's the only person who has an important move to make?

The Avengers would not laugh and it would not be that easy to break the glass. It's probably bullet-proof and thick and built specifically to avoid these kinds of things. Why doesn't she ask where Thor is and go there? If she can get to Earth from Jotunheim, she can get pretty much anywhere.

She doesn't know what security feeds are, but she makes Sherlock Holmes references...

Thoughts should be put into italics. Why does Anora state her alias' age? That seems very random.

All within one paragraph, Anora won over 4/6ths of the Avengers (who offered her a room in the Tower while they're sleeping and their weakest) by saying she wants to talk to Thor. She just broke through a window when there was a perfectly good front door downstairs. She just lied about who she was (for some reason). They have absolutely no reason to trust her and Thor is conveniently absent so he can't vouch for her - which he wouldn't. This is what bothers me the most.

I liked that you developed her snarky personality a bit here, but there's definitely some work that needs to be done. That one paragraph where she wins over the Avengers needs to be expanded upon big time. You also need to set up when in the MCU this takes place - and not in an A/N.

If you ever need a beta or someone to talk to about this kind of stuff, PM me and let me know! Until next time.
A Velvet Rose chapter 1 . 10/25/2015
Interesting concept. However, I found your prologue lacking in many areas. Prologues can be as long or as short as you want, but in this case, I think you would have benefitted from having it be longer.

It's very confusing. Does she want to be queen or doesn't she? At the end I understood, but before then I had no idea. The confusion probably stems from "she wanted to not be queen" and "defy tradition". What is the tradition? Is the tradition having a male heir or is it that the heir won't be the direct descendant of the king? And if her father's already dead, who's ruling the realm at this very moment?

You don't give the reader enough settin. Setting is very important in a story. Without a setting we can imagine, the characters have no place in this world. (See what I did there? :P) It doesn't even have to be descriptive. You just need something more. Saying she's in a palace courtyard is a start, but that is not enough. We already knew she was royalty. Where was she when she was crying? Is there anything at all important in this place she just decided to leave behind?

Why can't she go out as herself? If she's free to leave, she doesn't need a disguise. Even if you think the reader will understand, always make things like that plain as day. You can be vague and leave hints and throw in implications that will puzzle the reader, but not when it comes to exposition and explanation.

I don't understand why the Elders let her go. Why would they let their current heir leave? There needs to be a good reason and the audience needs to know this reason, if not now, then later in the story.

I hope you take these tips into account when you write the next chapter. I am definitely intrigued. :)
thephoenixandthedragon4ever chapter 9 . 6/13/2015
How long till she figures out who Loki really is? Thor knows and can't she discover it by touching him? Is Loki going to be future King of Jotunheim?
Guest chapter 8 . 5/7/2015
Update already man I like this story
Guest chapter 7 . 12/5/2014
*hugs Loki while squealing like crazy* this is awesome!
Neurotic Ninjah chapter 6 . 6/4/2014
This is a very good story I haven't seen many with this sort of plot line. Please continue and update soon!
Bianca chapter 5 . 4/9/2014
Awesome plain awesome! Keep updating its awesome Make a scene where She kicks Loki's ass
Steel autobot chapter 5 . 4/9/2014
Please update soon!
Ophelia Claire chapter 2 . 9/12/2013
So is she Loki's sister/half sister because she's Laufey's daughter? Maybe that why she can become human-looking.