Reviews for Season of New Leaves
FAn9rLMakoHaru chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
This is so AMAZING...
I like Rei to be a pet... I Agree with Nagisa-kun *thumbs up* cause its so Kawaii
BTW you did a great job...
minky-way chapter 1 . 10/4/2013
Oh! help i think i'm drowning in fluff...
this is genuinely so incredibly cute! protective haru is cute and i like the implied reigisa too :) awwwh, great story, well written and just... DAAAAAWH! :3
alexandriabeatrix chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
This was super cute! I loved how innocent Makoto was when they were kids. Absolutely adorbs.
Let me just point out a grammatical error though. You wrote, "That makes sense; dog collars is for dogs with owners, so rings must be for people who are married," when it should've been " collars are for dogs..." Very minor error. Apart from that, everything was just great! :)
Agatha-Naomi chapter 1 . 9/27/2013
this is really cute. Thank you for the feels XD
GarryxMrChairFan chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
That was so cute! :3
Dora chapter 1 . 9/12/2013
This is a really cute story and I love the idea of those two secretly keeping their rings the whole time, despite not knowing if the other one still has it or not. They have the best relationship! Also I read another take on the same meme yesterday and compared to it what I like here is that Haruka was the one who was more proactive. That's nice for a change, because in most fics it's Makoto who comes forward first. I think we have to thank those confessing girls, who are making a move on Harus man. Though can't they see that Makoto's obviously with Haru? Everyone who watches the show knows they're basically married and yet they go to school with them and don't realize it. Dense plot-divices. Get a clue! (Just kidding.) The closing line was perfect btw.
That aside I'm kinda confused with the character choice, because instead of Makoto T Nagisa H is listed besides Haruka. It was only a coincident that I found your fic, because normally I use the filter (though not so often anymore now that you can search for four characters, makes it kind of way more vague than before..), so mind changing that? Because I don't think that was on purpose.
so sweet chapter 1 . 9/11/2013
I could not stop smiling while reading this.
ashira23 chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
I...Love...your story
NyxLied chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
Beautiful I completely loved it! Such a sweet and deep story, these two are made for each other
Gerkyhen chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
THIIISSS ISSS SOOO BEAAUTTIIFFFUULLLL. Everyone is so in character and spot on and your descriptions are just beautiful!
PheonixShadow chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
They really are so married. Totally canon. 3 I love this! It's just, so soft and natural and beautiful and soothing and everything that Makoto and Haru are together. Cute cute cute cute (and Rei is totally the pet)
Orcux chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
Absolutely stunning descriptions you've got there. I swear I could almost see the plum trees and "snowflakes" around me too, haha! The festive atmosphere was great too.

I love how their little marriage went, inspired by the young couple by the trees. It was kind of cute how Haru knew what they were doing (not really as dense as I expected) while Makoto didn't! xD

And that little confession scene where Haru declared that Makoto was married to him.. It made me laugh out loud and gave me the warmest feeling ever.

Thanks for sharing this with us!