Reviews for Lessons Learned from Anti-Positional Moves
Animekitty47 chapter 1 . 3/1/2014
Yay for fixing plot holes! And character analysis. But mostly the now nonexistent plot hole. :D
Pamikae chapter 1 . 9/10/2013
Thank you! I couldn't believe such odd behavior on Eliots part was put out there and objected that it was done. And then to not have anyone question it, or comment on it other than Hardison tease him about taking out his anger by hitting some people...I just couldn't believe it.

I enjoyed your take on how Sophie worried and got Nate to talk to Eliot. That is exactly what she would have done. I also liked how they went over the trust they had of the other members, but dud kinda wish more had been touched in their trust if each other. The, " We're not friends." Comment made by Nathan earlier in the groups time together I think had been gotten past and thought to have changed. But kinda got the feel that Eliot was taking that comment to still be true, which by then was no longer the truth.
Smooth Doggie chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
Another marvellous piece from you - can we expect to hear more about Eliot's solo time during that month away from the team? I took on a version of The Experimental Job episode, one of my favourites - it is hard going. I'd love to see your version of it, if you had time to write it of course. Real life can really get in the way!

Your use of the chess movements in order to describe Nate, Eliot and even Sophie to some sense, was incredibly clever. The game uses many of the strategies that both a mastermind and a hitter would use on a daily basis. The grifter (which auto changes to grafter if you're not careful) is also strategic in an odd sense. Nate was quite fatherly or big brotherly in this one, and I have to say I like it when people look out for Eliot Spencer - because let's face it, not many people do!

(ps. I know he's not real...most of the time :))
Valawenel chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
Ah, this made my day! :D A little gem, indeed.

You touched a few issues which I always wanted to see more explored, and thank you for that.
As usual, you got their voices perfectly - and by voices, I mean their entire thinking process. The dialogue is just one part of it. I rarely meet the writer who has that 'thinking part' correctly done: with you, I'm always sure you'll deliver.

There's also a slight change in style that I noticed - not in quality, but in smoothness. Maybe I'm mistaken, but this one flows perfectly, as if written in one go. I know it isn't, and that makes it even better. :D

And this: "Some days, watching the various members of the team think was as fascinating and satisfying as devising the plans to take down their marks." - I want more of this. :D
Deliver. :D
dh2930 chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
Ha! I actually yelled at my tv, "don't drink the coffee". And the look on Eliot's face when Sterling went on and on with his "lip reading" had me really confused. He looked like he thought Sterling was making up some of that phone conversation. Red flags were waving everywhere! I love that I was not the only one. This was a great way for Eliot to get back to his peak. Nate handled the talk really well.