Reviews for Real Men Don't Make Sandwiches
Guest chapter 25 . 7/12
Another great chapter. I really liked how you acknowledged how you used the fans interpretations of power levels as a very good in character argument. Not only that but you also reminded me that Vegeta never had a tutor to teach him martial arts both in the universe of the fic and dragon ball z. It demonstrates an aspect that gets overlooked, his autodidact nature.

Like the man fights on instinct alone, which is ironic sense we mostly apply that concept on the natural prodigy that is Goku. When in fact Goku is the most trained person on earth at this point.

Although it seems weird Vegeta is portrayed as in the wrong as he is right. The only reason Frieza didn't kill Krillin wasn't because Krillin was better trained, it was because Frieza held back because he wanted to torture them for screwing him out of his immortality. If Frieza was serious Krillin would have lost badly.

One final thing I want to praise though is another observation that I missed. Vegeta never had to fight anyone on his level. I can't believe it took you pointing this out for me to realize that everyone Vegeta every fought, up until he got to earth, stood no chance against him. That explains so much about the character and it is yet another example of you fic changing how I view Dragonball.

Thank you for writing i look forward to the next chapter.
anonann chapter 25 . 6/30
I love this fic, but I will not donate to people who wish to see the nation I love overthrown by a new communist regime.
The Jingo chapter 25 . 6/30
Christ I'm crippled with laughter.
VegitaPoonMan96 chapter 1 . 6/29
What the fuck is this lmao, the story bounce all over and im not even horny..
Guest chapter 3 . 6/28
for some reason i just hear these in abridged vegeta and krillin voices lol
Thomas-The-TMC chapter 25 . 6/28
Now I want a sandwich again.. always make one when a new chapter comes up
waauotsaiu chapter 25 . 6/28
I said it before and I'll say it again—actually, did I say it or did I just think it? Anyway, this fic is amazing. I love Vegeta and Krillin's evolving friendship (?), the constant culture clashing that always adds that little bit of worldbuilding I absolutely adore, and the humor.
Dear God, the humor. It somehow always lands and by the end of the chapter there's always a smile on my face.
Thanks for your hard work!
Guest chapter 25 . 6/28
Love this story!
Vegetass chapter 23 . 6/10
i cant believe im tearing up over a semi-crack dragon ball fic
Vegetass chapter 22 . 6/10
this is legitimately so fucking good im this close. to squealing bc deadass. THIS IS SO. GOOD!
Vegetass chapter 21 . 6/10
CatCat chapter 24 . 4/19
Welcome back! It's sandwich time!
The Jingo chapter 24 . 4/13
this fic still kills me,
EMPFangirl02 chapter 24 . 3/26
Krillin: Saiyan’s best friend. XD

Honestly, I love this story so much. Krillen and Vegeta are my favorite characters and it’s great that you’ve gotten them to interact in a way that’s in character. I love the world building you’ve done with Saiyan culture, and love seeing these two become ‘friends’. And your writing style is absolutely brilliant and witty. Loved every minute of it!

Now I’d like to see them go confront Goku about breaking Krillin’s house. It’d be hilarious to see Vegeta yelling at Goku about he’s treating his own best friend. XD

It’ll probably take them awhile to get there though. In the meantime, I’m looking forward to more sandwiches and bonding!
Nocturnal Smile chapter 24 . 2/20
This was hysterical, what a good chapter! Reading this honestly made my week!
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