Reviews for Tell Me That You Love Me
Noemi Figueroa chapter 11 . 12/30/2019
This ending works fine, no epiloge needed.
Noemi chapter 10 . 12/30/2019
Loving your song choice. I'm still hoping you put in Jade's solo song, can't remember the name for the life of me.
Axel0913 chapter 11 . 5/6/2015
Love this!
Guest chapter 7 . 6/12/2014
i was literally listening to the story of my life as i read chapter 6
Guest chapter 9 . 5/15/2014
Omg tht was amazing
U rly are an amazing writer, one of the best bade writers.
I love all your stories and I would love a sequel to this.
Reviewer Guy chapter 11 . 3/25/2014
Loved it, as always. A great Bade story is what I came to expect from you, Liv. There were a few grammatical errors as always, but it's a free story that you put alot of effort into. Alot of your stories are cheesy and VERY fluffy, but the're alot better than alot of 8 dollar books! I cried like three times in this story like I did with Just In Case and Cold Coffe so far. I was pissed when Jade stil didn't want to be Becks GF, but I geuss that means that you are very good at captivating your audience. I haven't cried about any of your stories as much as I have with Big Fake Smiles and Stupid Lies, which I would HIGHLY reccomend you check out, but I love your stories just as much, none the less. 8/10

Oh, and here's Big Fake Smiles and Stupid Lies: s/7970053/1/Big-Fake-Smiles-and-Stupid-Lies
Anna chapter 5 . 3/1/2014
Wow, you have some real talent.
I'm gonna read your other stories now!
Karkoolka chapter 11 . 2/21/2014
Love it ;D
Jeremy Shane chapter 11 . 12/21/2013
Legendary Chapter & More Please
Ebonimcfly chapter 11 . 12/19/2013
OMG I loved every chapter this story is amazing !
Underrestimated chapter 1 . 12/19/2013
Hey, I'm a new user and I can't DM you, that's why I'm telling you here, where I wnted to post your Story in German.
There's the german archive: .de/u/xxEmilyxx (my Profile)
It's the same as here, just the stories are in german. And there I would post it.
Think about it, I can understand you can't decide now.
Ly & your Story
Underrestimated chapter 2 . 12/19/2013
Hey you,
My name is Emily and I normally write german stories. I was wondering if it would be okay to you, if I would translate this story. I would keep informing you in how people like it in german. I'm a big fan of your story. Ly
Guest chapter 11 . 12/18/2013
Great final chapter! I love that Jade was willing to sacrifice her happiness to keep Beck from feeling even a moment of pain. This was really a beautiful bade moment. I hope you do an epilogue. It's not really needed because this chapter leaves you feeling so good about them! But you know we still want it! Lol
J. Harvelle-West chapter 11 . 12/17/2013
Great story, sad but great. Good choice of song at end and amazing conclusion. Thank you, xxxxxxx.
Louisemoop chapter 11 . 12/17/2013
Wooooah the perfect ending! Well done :D you should definitely do a sequel because you are such a FABULOUS writer! Hmmmm.. Ross Moore... Interesting name there hahahaaa, I kid, I kid! But seriously yeah this story is just amazing and I really hope you consider doing the sequel and uhhh.. maybe even another one after that? Hmmmmmm?! anyway yeah keep up writing never give it up because you are FAB-TABU-LOUS!
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