Reviews for Prometheus Gold
Spyridon chapter 1 . 11/25/2013
A very good idea with a very different take on Sha're's death. Hopefully there is a sequel into how the two of them met and later joined the Jaegers? Considering Daniel was an archeologist in the series, I wonder what his role would be in this (possibly Kaiju specialist for museums, idk). Hmm, Daniel in the training uniform for the Jaeger Academy and the bomber jackets. *drool* I really do love Prometheus Gold's name; very in character for the fusion and a nice play on the WWII naming theme for the Jaegers. I would have named them after the Asgardian gods since their allies in the series. Athena had me pause since she was a Goa'uld who wanted to kill Vala.

I wish this story was a little longer to fully hash out the changing relationship between the two as they felt more like little itty bitty snapshots in their lives but I can't really blame the flow since the movie ran the same. XD Maybe that's why I like the novelization and graphic novel along with the book that was behind the scenes of the movie. Definitely becoming a rec.

The only thing is I don't think this is a true crossover since none of the characters from Pacific Rim universe. It's more like a fusion of the two worlds so I think this should be only in the Stargate section.
ralucaiancu205 chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
Yours happens to be the first piece of fanfiction I have ever read. I haven't been into it at all and with all the books that i want to read I don"t really have the time, but something about Pacific Rim story made me want to search more. I originally sought a Supernatural crossover but ran into this one first and with a longing for SG1 I decided to read it.
It wasn't what I expected, however I thought your writing is really good and I enjoyed it a lot. Hope there's more to this kind of crossover to come and I'll go check out what else you have written. best of luck!
Poptate chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
The fic, much like the title, is gold. Pure gold.