Reviews for Intertwined
bunnikkila chapter 1 . 1/17/2014
Destiny (or coding...) calls, it would seem. This was cute - I like the perkier Mora, it's pretty adorable!
Miratete chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
"You're worth every penny," she said softly, caressing the machine."

...and on reading this, the lyrics of Keith Apicary's "NEO GEO Song" came to mind.

"Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Four bright buttons and two joysticks.
Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Cool red cab and a name that sticks.

No one quite did 2D fighters like you did.
No one quite did runnin' and gunnin' like you did
No one quite did Puzzle Bobble like you did
I'll always love my four slot model cause I, I...

I played that cab for hours on end to the point where that thing was my only friend.
With a heavy machine gun in my hand I beat Metal Slug over and over again.
You're 32 bits of endless fun. You're a 1990 revolution.
You're ahead of the game. You are the best. You're the SNK king of MVS.

You're an attractive machine in a pretty red dress.
When I'm playing as Mai I wanna give you a kiss.
Forget Chun Li when there's Shiranui.
She'll knock you out with those big ninja bee's.

I'm the Samurai Showdown digital god when you're playing against me
and my ninja dog. I'm like Galford with my cool blond hair.
But I don't have a ninja dog. I have a ninja chair.

Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Four bright buttons and two joysticks.
Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Cool red cab and a name that sticks."

And it goes on from there. Warning: If you look this up on YouTube the catchy tune WILL get stuck in your head and the video WILL make you LOL.
Jme Potter chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
This. Is. Like. The. Cutest. Story. Ever! *hearts everywhere*
9r7g5h chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
Awww! This was very good! I liked how you explained it, and how everything worked out. Though, i do feel a bit bad for Kohut now. Anyway, very well done!
Umbre0n chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
... that was awesome. x3
Lady Shadow92 chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
very interesting story
Dixie Darlin chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
haha, well that's kinda cool! A little weird, but cool! Another felix and calhoun falling in love and experiencing the "power" of the "REAL" Felix/Calhoun's love X3
Guest chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
Calhoun was acting OOC, but then again, it was another Calhoun, so I guess it's excusable. Decent fic.
Darth Ben Valor chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
That was a real cute and swell story. Thanks a bunch, dynamite gal. ;)