Reviews for Defence Against the Dark Creature
ReadAgain chapter 13 . 5/25
What an original story! I must say I loved it - a bit disappointed the Hogwarts students didn't take the time to send a few letters of support after the article but otherwise, I couldn't ask for more!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/30/2016
Hope to see more of this story, but it seems like it's pretty much ended. Thanks for this beautiful story though!
Guest chapter 13 . 10/25/2016
Great fic, I haven't seen this before, it's really original!
I loved the mixture of fluff and plot, the world you created had lots of depth.

One thing - I still can't see how the thing at the end happened, they appeared to be fine until just 2 chapters before and I found no foreshadowing (not that it matters).

Thanks for writing!
Inkling Blotspot chapter 13 . 3/5/2015
This is well constructed and highly enjoyable. I hope that you continue it one day, as it feels like it could be the first half of a story, rather than the entire thing.
lrigD chapter 1 . 10/1/2013
Lovely story. Usually, I prefer the fanfiction stories that are canon, or very nearly so. Your story is obviously not really that, but I loved it nonetheless. I am so glad that you are giving Remus Lupin the respect he deserves. Most stories I have read so far are mostly about his relationships with women, and I love how you have given thought to a completely different, yet very important aspect of his character: his ability to teach and his love for children.
MrRobertsIII chapter 13 . 2/5/2011
The End?

What a wonderful fic and I can only hope that you pick it up again some day soon.
MrRobertsIII chapter 1 . 2/4/2011
Think I've read this before so long ago I hardly remember it except that it was good. Glad I found it again! I'm only sorry to see that you appear to have given up writing fanfiction. Hope you pick it up again.
LoireLoa chapter 13 . 1/18/2011
This was a great fic!
Louey06 chapter 13 . 11/30/2010
This was really good I never saw the thing with the Kolikanovs coming. i never would have expected them to go to Voldemort. ib really liked all the story you did a wonderful job with this.
FairAris chapter 13 . 8/24/2010
What a wonderful and well written story!
DecepticonDefenestrater chapter 13 . 7/28/2010
This is a great story. I really like the idea of the werewolf school.
Spontaneite chapter 13 . 3/5/2010
This is a truly beautiful, heartbreaking story. I adore your exploration of such a complicated issue, and the development of the staff and children's personalities. It's very well written and, in many places, bitterly realistic.

I always enjoy the stories that map out a werewolf's life and experiences. Moonsign is a favourite author of mine in that regard, and I'd certainly suggest you read 'Casting Moonshadows', even if perhaps some of its themes might not appeal to you. 'Defence Against the Dark Creature' caught my interest the moment I saw it. While not particularly long, I have to say that this fanfiction easily finds a place on my favourites.

Thank you for writing,

Kindcaidlyn chapter 13 . 8/9/2009
Ok, I understand your point about the open ending. I'm rather a fan of them myself (have you ever read The Lady and the Tiger? Best open-ended short story ever.)

I loved this story. Flat out loved it. You're characterization of Remus is very well done, lots of subtle hints at deeper thoughts ect. Charlotte is officially one of my favorite OC's that I've read thus far. The Centre for Lycanthropic Children is a brilliant idea. The kids were awesome, the Ministry officials sufficiently obnoxious, ect.

So, my main problem, is that I feel in addition to your open ending, you have rather an open middle too. It felt like the glorious intro to a story, rather than the story in its entirety, even taking into account the open ending feeling you wanted.

To me, I think an open ended story needs a few very specific endings to be left up in the air. While the concluding conversation between Remus and Charlotte was very well done, I felt I needed something specific to wonder about. I was so looking forward to learning at least partial history of some of the children. There was a very tragic event involving two children, but no explanation of how how they got talked into it or angst-filled discussion about how Voldemort would have used them.

I suppose in my mind, if you want an open ending, I would like a scene involving the two boys making some sort of decision involving Voldemort, or Remus contemplating his feelings for Charlotte (if you were hinting that way) or his future at the school, or the other kids contemplating their future in the world as werewolves. Anything, really, it doesn't matter what. Just something specific to wonder about. As is, there's so many things that weren't even touched on I don't even know where to start wondering. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I really did enjoy your story. I hope to read more from you in the future!
HRT chapter 13 . 1/23/2008
It's unusual to focus so intently on both original environment and characters, but you did an excellent job of introducing us to Remus' new school and the OCs, both student and teacher. This was a very realistic treatment about the problems of werewolves in society, and I appreciated all the extra creativity you put into it. Thanks!
Lysden chapter 13 . 9/28/2007
it's so sweet... dont you think about doing a second part?

ps: sorry about my english.. it sucks
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