Reviews for Melody of the Past
TTY7 chapter 1 . 2/16/2014
Nice work. I really enjoyed reading this. The glimpses into Lelouch's past were wonderful and your attention to detail nothing less than perfection. Thanks for a great read.
JohnTitor chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
This might be my OTP but that doesn't mean I can ignore what CC did to Lelouch. I generally ignored it but this chapter really brings it up. Decent story, just not for me.
Ghibli Ninja chapter 1 . 8/29/2013
This was really touching. *sniff* When I imagine those melodies, I just know that they're beautiful and stirring. The interaction between Lelouch and C.C. was also very nice. I liked how she made him face his past and helped him realize that no matter how hard his life was, there were and always will be moments to treasure. And somehow, I always figured Lelouch knew how to play the piano or the violin. He just fits that image. Same goes for C.C. playing the harp :)

If I have one complaint, it's that C.C. is a LITTLE bit OOC. I just can't imagine her being that nice to Lelouch for more than 5 minutes. But it was still nice to see her emotional, compassionate side.
BurninDarkness chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
Nicely done. Liked how they went with the flow and their conversation.
RadioactiveCatMeow chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
Another awesome and beautiful story from you. I love these oneshots which have moments of Lelouch and CC. This is really well written and I really enjoyed reading it.
Lunanite chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
The description of the past, music and their actions, beautifully done. Loved it.
Fireminer chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
Bravo, bravo!... Another enjoyable story coming from you! Love it, especially the part when Lelouch stepped in the room, and his memories. You hit the right spot, I say. If not for some wrong typos, it might be one of the best CG short that I've ever read.