Reviews for Come what may
Countess Belle Von Venomhaus chapter 61 . 3/20
Can there be a happy ending
Countess Belle Von Venomhaus chapter 26 . 3/18
Some details to consider
Matching bra and panties didn’t exist in middle earth but corsets and stays and open pantaloons did
Princess of Greenwood2 chapter 71 . 2/12
Write more soon please. Love it. I would have done the same thing.
DawnScarlet19610 chapter 4 . 1/3
Teached. That isn't even a word you know. Taught. Honestly...
liveoninmemory chapter 71 . 11/4/2019
I love this! Please update!
fraichepomme chapter 71 . 11/4/2019
I love this story. You do a really good job :) It's one of the best I have read
ChelseaSW6 chapter 69 . 10/11/2019
Hi! please don’t wait 2 years again :) please don’t wait another week! I have never read a book more than 3 times in 6 months especially when it’s not finished by I can’t stay away ha ha.
ChelseaSW6 chapter 70 . 4/15/2019
Two years is but a blink of an eye...
ChelseaSW6 chapter 71 . 4/14/2019
Hi I am absolutely thrilled that you have come back to this story! For some reason I didn’t get an email telling me there was an update but every now and then I reread it even though it’s not complete. So this was my lucky day and thank you :)
MrsTChrist chapter 70 . 5/21/2018
I have just read this entire first 70 chapters. Took me 2-3 days. Begging Begging Begging that you haven't hit a writers block or given up this story. You keep throwing beautiful twists into the story. I'm just loving every word, sentence, paragraph and chapter.

Guest chapter 70 . 1/27/2018
Love it!
Guest chapter 70 . 11/4/2017
Update soon, please, I love this story and I can’t wait to read more, I wasn’t sure about the rapunzel aspect of it but I think I could grow to like it, it does seem a bit sudden though, I don’t know.
btlmotormouth chapter 70 . 8/11/2017
I love this story and cant wait to read more!
kitty-kasey chapter 69 . 5/11/2017
I just found this story a day ago and already finished it, its so good! I can't wait to see more, I hope you update soon!
photogirl894 chapter 69 . 6/29/2016
Excellent work, deary! I'm sure Lailah is gonna be very glad to get out of Mirkwood :P if I were her, I would be! when she went on the "Where was Thranduil when Erebor fell?" rant, it reminded me of Theoden at Helm's Deep when he had his "Where was Gondor?" moment! looking forward to what's coming next! sorry for the short review!
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