Reviews for The Last Office on the Left
Annie M chapter 19 . 6/22/2015
If I've sent a missive in already, please do not post.

I loved this story not for how Meg and Ben had their contact but how they handled it afterwards. Their friends and family knew how hard it was for them and were very supportive (yes even her mom). Great story!
CanonAntithesis chapter 18 . 1/2/2015
Just had to read this one again, definitive one of my all time favorite Due South stories.
Thanks again for writing it.
CanonAntithesis chapter 19 . 10/19/2013
That was a beautiful story. i thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I;m off to read more of your stuff.
vic32 chapter 19 . 10/5/2013
Wow wow wow wow wow you did an incredible job, I loved every line in this chapter xxxx 3 3 3
vic32 chapter 18 . 10/5/2013
So beautiful and romantic, it was perfect 3
tinadolphin chapter 19 . 10/5/2013
Thank you kindly! I've loved this story as I've said so many times before. I'm happy you wrapped it up so nicely and the way with the blurry "thing" in the photo.

Now I'm off to read the next story you put up :)

vic32 chapter 17 . 9/28/2013
Fab chapter with them all bonding, I could picture them so Cleary and hear their voices. You did a wonderful job x
tinadolphin chapter 17 . 9/28/2013
What a lovely chapter, I loved the story about Ben's grandparents and the ring, the story how Meg's grandmother and her group had made the weddingdress :)

I know it takes a while but I hope for a chapter soon anyways.
TYK for great reading this Saturday evening!

vic32 chapter 16 . 9/26/2013
I loved how you wrote Ben with her parents I hope we see more of it, this really made me smile, fantastic work x
tinadolphin chapter 16 . 9/25/2013
Hmmm, will she get to see her mother's dress? Loved the simple proposal and that you made it before they went out for dinner so it was in private and not shared with everyone else.

More as soon as you can please :)

vic32 chapter 15 . 9/19/2013
Best chapter yet, loved it. It made me laugh and I love Megs dad, cannot wait for more x
tinadolphin chapter 15 . 9/19/2013
Nice to meet Meg's parents and to learn that her father was a highly decorated officer. Her mother on the other hand... well it will be nice to get to know them :)
And what will Ashcroft write in his report, how will it go for Ben and Meg?

More as soon as you can please!

RobinLady-in-Waiting chapter 14 . 9/14/2013
Thanks for all the lovely, encouraging reviews. TYK Robin
tinadolphin chapter 14 . 9/13/2013
How caring Ben is! But even if this had happened on the show I wouldn't have expected less from him. And Turnbull, well is Turnbull :)
Lovely chapter, looking forward to see how you solve it all with their supierors in Ottowa and how it goes when Ben meets her parents.

Have a nice weekend.

vic32 chapter 14 . 9/13/2013
Lol you made me laugh out loud with parts of this, I can feel them growing closer and I hope they do and I can tell her dad will love Ben and her mum prob be a smitten kitten but try and hide it. Excellent work again
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