Reviews for The Gift
jojospn chapter 4 . 6/28/2016
This is absolutely incredible! Your writing is phenomenal, your characterization is phenomenal. You captured both House and Wilson's personalities perfectly without sacrificing the integrity of their characters, or going for the cheesy OOC mush. Instead, you wrote a beautiful, insightful story of a dying man's last days and his best friend's struggle with grief, his impending loss, and the strength to carry out his last wishes. I love how you switched the narrative for the final chapter. The reader IS House, and therefore making those final moments before Wilson dies all that more emotional. Those final lines: "You didn't expect this. But yes, it feels. Right. And you reach over and turn out the lights." Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for this, definitely going on my favourites list! Bravo!
Bakerstreet Blues chapter 2 . 3/9/2016
You're right, House never physically hurt Wilson before the car crash...too bad Wilson couldn't say the same.

Your writing style is like a smooth ocean just rolls over you very calmly. It really is amazing. Thank you

kei-angelus chapter 4 . 11/4/2015
Finished reading this last night and I could clearly imagine the feelings there.
Though sometimes I got lost (maybe it's just because your writing style is not simple-not to say it's bad or something,really,no offense) and had to look for some words I was not familiar with, I found this story made sense.
I love how it's both deep and sad, without being overly emotional or slashy.
Once again, just WOW.
mgowriter chapter 4 . 1/29/2014
So I had to come back and read this, and I have to say I've read this story so many times before, but yours is the only one that truly completes the journey. Well written and well done!
Boo's House chapter 4 . 1/22/2014
Really painful but beautiful, too.
Ivy chapter 4 . 10/30/2013
I know maybe thesis a strange thing to have enjoyed, but I did. Immensely. This is the catharsis. To me, where the series left off it felt somehow incomplete, and I always wondered what their time after was like.

Thank you for helping me, at least, fill in that missing piece.
Yanlingrgc chapter 4 . 10/28/2013
anamq chapter 4 . 9/8/2013
A very good story about friendship. I specially like the last line: "And you reach over and turn out the lights."
anamq chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
A very well written chapter. Good read.
pamplemousse chapter 4 . 8/30/2013
Im so sad that this is the end of the story

What happened to HOUSE afterwords what did he feel,do? we wanne know what did he do with wilson after he died? please please we need an follow up chapter
pamplemousse chapter 4 . 8/29/2013
its so sooooooooooooo sad but beautifully written thank you for this although tears streams down my cheeks for House's sake and for Wilson
Rhastahippy chapter 4 . 8/28/2013
Oh God! you made me cry. I just discovered this beautiful story and had to read it straight through. I just hate it that Wilson had to die, but as you say "it feels right". Now I am going back to read all of your other fics.
HilsonFTW chapter 4 . 8/28/2013
Ok, that gave me a lump in my throat. Beautiful!
MissBates chapter 4 . 8/27/2013
Sad, lovely, and very right. You've managed to show what a long wearisome process dying is, and how House, who always denied that death can have dignity, manages to give Wilson the dignity that he wanted. This fic is a homage to everyone who accompanies a loved one on their last journey.
ViolettBlack chapter 4 . 8/26/2013
Deathfics always leave me in a teary-eyed emotional mess but this fanfic was worth it to end up like this.
Thank you so much for writing and sharing it.
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