Reviews for To Protect the Future
AnimeGoji91 chapter 4 . 4/11/2019
I said give Cerecere X Harry and Vesves X Carl and that it hope you like my idea or not so keeping going to this chapters please!?
Ariesgirl666 chapter 4 . 5/15/2016
Please update this soon! You're really good at writing the Amazon Quartet, so I hope you keep working on this.
liana.reichlin chapter 3 . 8/17/2014
Raxacoricofallipitorius...Doctor Manual... I almost busted a gut laughing. Would it be alright if I used that someday?
WinterRain36 chapter 4 . 1/27/2014
Bunch of Mary Sues.
aquafinarain chapter 3 . 9/23/2013
oh my goodness! I never ever ever thought that I would see a quartet-based fic in here! This has me so excited haha I've always thought these girls needed more focus. I like the names that you've chosen for them as well

You do a really good job of characterizing them! Each of their personalities really stands out, especially with what shops they wanted to visit. Jun/Draco would be soooo interesting and I might already be looking forward to that haha as well as Ves's pairing! And I'm particularly biased towards Hotaru so I'm just like throw her in! Hahaha

I'm interested in where this is leading to and how they'll interact with Hogwarts and the trio :) looking forward to more!
WHAT chapter 1 . 8/28/2013
HE KILLED SERENITY AND CHIBIUSA?! IF I EVER GOT MY HANDS ON HIM I'D TIVE HIM A SLOW. PAINFUL. DEATH. Nice plot that's sure to make a good story. Once the shock wears off don't you feel like crying, 'cause it broke my heart when that happened. If you update I'll send you virtual cookies. The begining was hilarious simply because it reminds you of the older guardians when they did that. Which year are you talking about? What happened to Harry? ;-) Messiah of Solitude. P.S. sorry my review was so chunky, but hey, you probably want throw Voldermort off the astronomy tower just as much as I do.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/22/2013
Voldemort dared to kill Neo Queen Serenity?! And ChibiMoo-, er, I mean Neo Moon? Grr, I want to see him die a slow painful death!

What about Helios and the moon cats, and little kitty Diana? Are they all dead too?

Hehe, loved the scene about how the quartet were spending their free time before Chibiusa called with the bad news... they were all doing so typical things for each of them to do.