Reviews for Legend of Zelda Yuri Chronicles
Anonymous92 chapter 6 . 10/2/2016
Aw man, you're calling it done? I was hoping to see a CiaxLana chapter after the events of Legends next, maybe with Linkle becoming involved. Ah well, guess that's a oneshot for another time.
Dichotomus chapter 6 . 9/21/2016
This chapter was great: I hope Linkle will make more appearances both in your fics and in future Nintendo games.
Major Mike Powell III chapter 6 . 9/17/2016
Well, well, my friend...

Hoo-rrah! 1st Review, Btches!

Ahhh, now, this was nice, sooo~ nice! *W*

This was *so~* cute, lovely and tastefully smexy. X3 Maaaan, Linkle, Linkle, cute li'l Linkle. She's such a precious cutie here and Zelda was an absolute sex kitten. Like, dayum, dat *reward~*, amirite? 8D

This was beautiful, my friend! *O* Great work!
Update ASAP! That's an order!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Dichotomus chapter 3 . 5/27/2016
I liked all of the earlier entries into this story, but this chapter earned a favorite. Excellent work.
Major Mike Powell III chapter 5 . 5/1/2016
Well, well, my friend...

Hoo-rrah! 1st Review, Btches!

Heh, you're welcome, my friend. :3 And this was very, very soothing. A serene, utterly relaxing read. A simple moment of peace and calm, just another sunset for Princess Zelda and her General, her attendant, her beloved Sheikah, Impa~ *O*

Beautiful. That's all there really is to say about this piece. :3

Great work! Keep it up! Who's next? ;3

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Major Mike Powell III chapter 4 . 11/1/2015
Well, well, my friend...

Ok, this chapter, this passion-filled love-making scene here...*O*

This was...(Whistles) Wow~

The dialogue was heartwarming and sweet, and very hot in a really classy way, and that's quite fitting, considering the statuses of royalty at play here. :3

The descriptions were nothing short of exquisite...and wow, dat lemon~ *O* Dayum! That was -so- very hot and, well, again, so very classy and elegant. X3 Very, very hot and sweet, this love between Light and Dark; Light World and Dark World. Ohhh my~ *O*

Great work, my friend! I wonder who's next! X3
Update ASAP! That's an order!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
StraightedgeEpyon chapter 4 . 10/31/2015
Can I request Zelda and Impa or Nabooru and Zelda?
Nintendoes Gamer chapter 4 . 10/31/2015
Im believe the is the best yuri chapter ever (or second). Love these two as a pairing, next to namine and
Debochira chapter 3 . 10/3/2015
I love these stories, and not just for the content. Everything is so well-written and tidy!

Assuming we cannot suggest people who have already appeared, I suggest Anju and Cremia since they're friends, Fi and Oracle of Seasons Din since both are dancers, or Oracle of Ages Nayru and Twilight Princess Zelda because of Wisdom.

I look forward to the next update!
xDoctorXWhovinax chapter 3 . 7/27/2015
saria ad nabaroou i dont how how u spell her
Kinnix Wolf chapter 3 . 6/25/2015
This is pretty good
Not normally my cup of tea per say
But still it's good writing and reads well
You did a amazing job on this and I would love it if you would continue doing so
Nyx Sigma ZERO chapter 3 . 4/2/2015
Hee, that could work, although I really would have liked Saria instead of Malon, it's still pretty amazing.
SuperCalebX chapter 3 . 4/2/2015
Dude the next pairing should be lana x zelda
Nyx Sigma ZERO chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
Eh The pairing intriged me, really I liked it a lot, Telma!? whcha doing there with Link!?
Guest chapter 3 . 3/19/2015
Something with Saria would be nice.
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