Reviews for Small Bump
leinchen chapter 13 . 7/23
Amazing story!
I really liked it and enjoyed reading it!
Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us!
Greeting from Germany,
Cordelia Amelie chapter 13 . 5/24
I just love this story so, so much. I remember reading this a few years back and it’s still as beautiful as ever. Thank you.
BellaTesoro chapter 5 . 9/15/2019
Edward was justified feeling hurt, insulted and angry at Bella's outburst about needing Edward to run out in the rain for one of her cravings. Come on Bella, just because you are the one carrying the baby doesn't make you earn the right to be mean and indulgent. Edward is too good and he's going to start to resent having to coddle Bella at every turn.
BellaTesoro chapter 4 . 9/15/2019
Edward's father sounded like a real old fashioned douche. Good for Esme for kicking him to the curb and finding a really nice guy like Carlisle and go Esme he's 10 years younger. I take it that they told Edward's parents about their first pregnancy but not Bella's parents. And although of course every couple gets to determine when or if they are going to get married. Having said that it seems like Bella is more consumed with having a baby than getting married. I say 'seems' not that she is. When her mother just assumed she'd be getting married sooner rather than later, I think that parent notion is pretty typical and I can't say it's wrong of Renee for assuming that. Hey in her day and before, it was the goal to get married first because there was such stigma about unwed parents. And when Bella asked Edward if he thought they should get married before the baby he deferred to her and didn't answer what he wanted, he seems to only want what Bella wants. I'm thinking Bella holds all the power in this relationship, Edward tip toes around her at every turn and as Bella herself said, he doesn't have to be the opposite of his dad and try to be something he's not and so I agree with Bella, Edward is taking a back seat to everything in their relationship.
BellaTesoro chapter 3 . 9/15/2019
Bella is a tough woman on one hand and a softy in anther. Her going apeshit over Edward worried about her on a ladder...Edward was a saint being patient and not saying anything to make matters worse. And the proposal story was pretty awesome and something to tell the grandkids and I'm sure by that time the story will expand even more. Why aren't they getting married sooner rather than later? Long engagement.
BellaTesoro chapter 2 . 9/15/2019
I know every woman, couple react in degrees of loss after a miscarriage. I can't say that I suffered with grieving too much with mine (I had two before the next pregnancy took) My doctor educated me about the fact that a miscarriage isn't always a bad thing, that the fetus wasn't able to sustain itself for whatever reasons and so it shed itself. I always looked at it as nature taking care of itself and not that I lost a child. idk, that's just me. Had I not had a perfectly normal body third time around maybe I'd have suffered like these two seem to be struggling with a miscarriage. Now losing a child later in the birth process when it's really a baby you've been carrying and you feel life and it's close to birth or at birth, well that would gut me I'm sure. Anyway, it's good to know that as a couple they felt the need to seek out counseling since Bella was dealing with it in such a painful way. I'm wondering if her hormones were understandably off and thus rendering her with additional depression.
BellaTesoro chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
I think you've captured the loss felt with having a miscarriage. But what you've really captured well is the love of a husband and how some men and women stumble with emotions and not able to communicate well enough to offer comfort when needed. Edward getting that tattoo was his way of coping and giving Bella space he felt she needed was the best he could do but what was needed is what came months later and that was communicating their pain. I just love this Edward's inner voice.
annaharding chapter 4 . 8/20/2019
My DIL hasn't told everybody in the family yet that she's pregnant (and she's due in 4 weeks!) My ex-MIL made a comment to her daughter about how my DIL is letting herself go and gaining weight. But after losing the first baby, then 2 more miscarriages, they don't want to tell people in case something goes wrong. So I can see why Bella wants to hold off telling people. (But it will sure make for a fun birth announcement!)
annaharding chapter 2 . 8/20/2019
I want to mention that we lost 2 more babies in between the first and this one. *sigh*
annaharding chapter 1 . 8/20/2019
I have to stop and comment. This is SO sad! We (meaning my son and family) lost a baby at 7-1/2 months a year ago. But next month we hope to welcome our rainbow baby.
I must read on to (hopefully) find the happy ending!
liatb01 chapter 13 . 4/29/2018
Such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing your words.
avs2810 chapter 9 . 2/21/2018
I hope you're still getting notifications for this story!, I just wanted to say that I couldn't have found your story in a better moment, since I'm currently expecting my first baby, 14 weeks as of now... and just yesterday I was telling my husband how perfectly Bella explained what I was feeling about my morning sickness!, I'm loving this story!
jk chapter 2 . 5/30/2017
this is really fucking boring
Guest chapter 13 . 4/23/2017
Thank you for this beautiful story.
Atwiggs chapter 6 . 3/30/2017
I love mustard and butter with ham sandwiches! Yum. I'm hungry now, so thx for that! ;). I'm so happy Bella felt a tiny kick. It means the world to them...
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