Reviews for The Lab Assistant
Guest chapter 22 . 1/24
Ah yes, The Neuralyzer: I remember the three humorous stories from Agent J

1: The city of New York would like to thank you for participating in our drill, had this been an actual emergency, y'all would've been eaten. Cause you don't listen. You're ignorant! How a man gonna come bashing thru the back of a subway when that's the problem with all y'all New Yorkers "Oh we've seen it all. Oh no, a 600 foot worm! Save us, Mr. Black Man!" And I come in and ask you to move to the next car. Ya'll just sit there like... (pause, neuralyzes crowd again) Thank you for participating in our drill, I hope you enjoyed our smaller, more energy-efficient cars..

2: You know how your on an airplane and the flight attendant asks you to turn off your cellphone but you say "I ain't turning my phone off, that got nothin to do with no dang airplane!" Well, this is what we get; it gets up there, bounces around on the satellites and BLAM. Just turn your dang cellphone off, now you have to drive off a cliff tonight cause your GPS don't work.

3: You know how your kid won the goldfish in the little baggie from the school fair and you didn't want that nasty thing in your house, so you told your kid it ran away, but what you really did was flush it down the toilet? Well, this is what happens, this is what I'm talking about. Don't lie to your kids.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/24
This battle is awesome, Calla vs Marcus. But I think you might wanna have Calla fighting Marcus and defeating Douglas.

Marcus injuries to give him: 3 lasers blasts and a super-punch right to the face.

Douglas injuries to give him: 1 laser shot to his foot, super-kick right between the legs, grabbing him the hair and hurling him into a wall.
Guest chapter 38 . 12/2/2019
Man! They sure love making Leo suffer.
Guest chapter 22 . 11/12/2019
Am I the only one that's confused here?
Guest chapter 21 . 11/12/2019
Jeepers Creepers, that was incredulously ominous.
Guest chapter 9 . 11/12/2019
Bingo! Yahtzee! Is that your final answer? Our survey says "ADAM! Bing, bing bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing!
Guest chapter 71 . 11/11/2019
Really? Do I look like I am running the academy right now?
Guest chapter 72 . 11/4/2019
Guest chapter 71 . 11/4/2019
Your hit on the rebel base, it didnt WORK, my friend.
Guest chapter 70 . 11/4/2019
David Krappenschitz.
Guest chapter 69 . 11/4/2019
Aye aye Sebastian. Set sail for vengeance.
Guest chapter 48 . 11/4/2019
Give Calla some bionics.
Guest chapter 47 . 11/4/2019
Ready or not, here comes the government! They get closer, and here they come. FEE FIII FOO FUM!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/1/2019
I thought it was just in the living room!


In my shower?!

Yep. And by the way, nothing needs to be that clean, sporto.
Guest chapter 84 . 10/23/2019
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