Reviews for Magic & Blue Flames
Guest chapter 1 . 8/31
So not such.
EB chapter 12 . 2/25
There are five and’s in one sentence. Maybe you could practice comma’s and short sentences. They punctuate the message and ad length to your story. This is not an insult, you have style and are definitely a writer. Practice makes perfect, and so does editing.
Jensbertino chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Instead of reading the pope I read the poop… Awkward.
Unknown chapter 12 . 9/21/2018
I don’t know why but when I first read it it sounded like harry was saying “good morning sir Phelps, hamster dumbledor said you wanted to speak with me”...I don’t know why... :l
Unknown chapter 9 . 9/21/2018
I liked it.
Unknown chapter 3 . 9/21/2018
Look it up on youtube.
Loveanimelove chapter 12 . 8/29/2018
Okay I know this isn't my place to say it as this is just a story and if I don't like it I don't have to read but I find it rather odd how Rin just trust Harry like he's known him for years and straight out just because he says go tell Dumbledore or go tell my friends your Greatest Secret that could potentially kill him I find it rather weird that he trust him with that amount like if you have put more background like how Rin came to trust Harry so much it would be all right but there's really no evidence that Rin should have any trust in him whatsoever but that's my opinion good story though I do like it I wish you would continue it
TheSwanSennin chapter 1 . 3/29/2018
Sorry to be rude, but you’re splitting your paragraphs incorrectly. Your paragraphs don’t need to be even, but don’t cut your paragraphs in the middle of a sentence! Paragraphs can be long or short, but make sure you don’t cut off the sentences.
Guest chapter 6 . 3/25/2018
You're getting better in spacing, it would be a good idea to redo your last five chapters.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/25/2018
um...Shiemi is hufflepuff material since she is loyal, hardworking, sweet, kind, brave, just, and many other qualities but since her hufflepuff ones outweigh the gryffindor one she would most likely be in hufflepuff.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/25/2018
ugh two minutes in (ignoring the writing style cuz its acceptable if not for the spacing errors) and im hating ginny...[say how much knowledge do you have on harry potter series from experience and not research?}
Alexinewen chapter 4 . 3/17/2018
Can you use paragraphs, please?
YokaiAngel chapter 13 . 11/23/2017
good luck
Guest chapter 6 . 9/22/2017

*bows to the usage of paragraphs-in-correct-format*
Guest chapter 5 . 9/22/2017

Goshnugget gotta reread the entire damn thing.
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