Reviews for I Can't Give You What He Can
Geezworld234 chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
awh this is so sweet I love how you have turned this heartbreaking scene around and made it so happy! :) love it! Xxx
TeamNewTricks chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
Aww yay this is amazing! I love how you turned what happened into something positive! Yay you've made me very happy! xxx
DSISandraPullman39 chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
Awww this is fantastic! I loved her admitting that the boys were right and the hard work doesn't pay that much but crime does comment rang so true. I loved thew eaving in of the shower moment and what her motives were and how you came back to it again at the end to bring them together was so well done. I love how she is still reluctant to say anything and Gerry admitting that he was jealousw as so sweet. The end was perfect. All in all a brill story loved it