Reviews for Into Darkness
Hatjkva chapter 75 . 7/13
Author! My love ! Please - carry on that story! :)
lavenderann01 chapter 75 . 6/30
please update pleaseeee
ft-kevi chapter 75 . 5/24
supporting fan chapter 75 . 4/30
hi, I hope you're doing great. I happened to re-read your fic for the umpteenth time, and I wanted to thank you for posting it, it's still my favorite. I'd love to read more, I understand that you're probably over it, but just know that if you'll ever decide to share more, well, your writing is so good that you'll still have very appreciative readers. it's beautifully written, and the plot is so breathtaking. Chapeau.
lazy-cheesecake chapter 75 . 4/24
this is it. this is the best Fanfiction i have ever read. you write beautifully and weave the storylines with excellence. furthermore, you've captured the essence of the characters, developed them, and created a wonderfully rich lore for your universe. I have to day, if your plot had been the actual plot in once upon a time, it would have won a few Emmys. also I just love Evilcharming and you've done it really well okay thank you for writing this and PLEASE, whenever you get the chance, hit us with an update because my heart will not rest until I find out what happened.!
SongForRegina chapter 8 . 2/11
I enjoy this story so much! I'm re-reading this story for the fourth time (or more I can't remember right now) and I never get tired of it! I hope you go on with this story! It's so good and unique! I really love it! Thank you so much!
oncerfan4life chapter 74 . 1/2
Omg I friggen love this storyyyyyyy! Are you finished with it, or are you planning more updates? IT'S SO GOOD YOU HAVE SUCH AN INCREDIBLE STORY LINE I'M SHOOK
Psalm23.6 chapter 75 . 8/27/2019
Amell86! This is an incredible story! You're weaving multiple story lines together beautifully with excellent vocabulary and stunning descriptions of the setting. I've kept this up on my laptop for weeks so that I could read all 75 chapters. I'm heartbroken to see that you haven't updated in a year and a half and I'm left hanging. I want to know what happens to everyone! You've created fantastic lore that fits into the plot pieces from the show and I would love to see you write more. I hope you update soon!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
If you ever get the chance to update this, that would be wonderful!
Oliviermills chapter 75 . 2/8/2019
Continua a fanfic por favor
oliviermills chapter 75 . 2/8/2019
Continua a fanfic por favor. ...
spacemonkey78 chapter 75 . 1/31/2019
Who knew a Regina/David story could be so good. If this is continued (I hope so) can we maybe get at least a happy ending for Mulan since you killed the only gay character, it’s insanely heterosexual up in these parts.
winx563 chapter 14 . 1/18/2019
David have me mad again he got in Regina way this just not physical harm but emotional she could have helped and save rumple. snow doin nothin usless and rumple being dumb pan just said he wasn't gonna give up Henry so he wasn't in any immediate danger but he gave danger anyway
Only Regina gay sense
valenmills chapter 75 . 1/5/2019
omg. I loved this fic. it's one of the best I had read. Please Update!
Reggie chapter 75 . 12/24/2018
AAAAHAHAHAHAHA! This story is soooooo good! I hope you continue it, it really is wonderful.
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