Reviews for Lost Memories
Aaa chapter 3 . 4/15/2016
This is so interesting.

Please please continueee
Exogenesis Symphony Fm7 chapter 3 . 3/24/2016
wahyu apa yang membuat anda akan merilis chapter baru huh? please,please,please update?! :') fic nya beneran keren kaka
glowin'R chapter 3 . 6/8/2014
three words: please continue it. I cant imagine what happens next, so please continue it... your writing is really great, I hope I can have that ability.
I'll be waiting :)
glowin'R chapter 2 . 6/8/2014
its very nice work, I feel like read the real novel when I read it :)
glowin'R chapter 1 . 6/8/2014
This is very awesome! I learn to read in english and I read this story and I really like it!
Listener Of The Whispers chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
Can you please update this? Please? I need to now what happens next!
din-vn chapter 3 . 12/3/2013
Very eloquently written, 8/10 :)
Idle-Riddle chapter 3 . 10/30/2013
I get the shivers when Light used the name 'Lawliet' to refer to L, as only a selected few knew about it, including Watari whom is no longer alive. I'd love to read more about Light's attempt to sway L into siding with him.

p.s: Don't hate your writing. I know what you feel when you compare your fic to some of the more popular ones in the DN fandom. However, writing a fic relating to the canon of DN takes a lot of effort as well, and believe me, your fic is easy on the eyes, so don't give up. ")
my mind is blank chapter 3 . 10/18/2013
Really enjoying this story. I've added it to my community Death Note Afterlife too. L is adorable but I'm glad you've kept his intelligence. Your writing's really good you shouldn't keep putting yourself down.
not-impressed chapter 3 . 10/8/2013
Finally a new chapter! I was so happy to read it :)
It seems L's getting more and more tense around Light. The way he reacts is just adorable. Also, I like that you describe feelings and other small details, it adds to the story.
L still can't remember his name, huh... I have a feeling that someday someone will accidentally mention it, and he'll understand that the name belongs to him. But it makes me wonder, if Misa even will be able to see L's real name, the death note takes its effect on him, since he just cheated death once.
Also - you say Light is probably 17 years old, but shouldn't he be 18 soon turning 19? My point is he found the death note when he was 17, and by the time L confined him, Light should've already turned 18. So, if L died in October/November, Light should've had about four months before his nineteenth birthday.
ChillingShadow chapter 3 . 10/8/2013
I like it!
Bangles that's big! 0.0u
More please?!
anonymous chapter 2 . 10/6/2013
i really like the plot. i think it's very interesting. keep up the good work. please continue it. this is a new type of amnesia-plot story. i bet it's good.
shiiverse chapter 2 . 9/22/2013
I found this fanfic a few minutes ago, and I have to admit, I am hooked.
PassingBye chapter 2 . 8/27/2013
i have a feeling this story is going to be interesting :D
not-impressed chapter 2 . 8/27/2013
oh, I already like this! I have a feeling this is gonna be interesting, though I'm almost certain that this story will have a sad ending. Please, keep writing, you're doing really good job and I appreciate that you do put effort into your writing and try and form sentences correctly, since this has become quite a rare thing among ff writers... my applause to you. I really wish I could help you with beta-ing, but unfortunately I share the same trouble as you, not being a native speaker myself.
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