Reviews for The Little Mermaid IV: The Darkest Tide
The Nameless One chapter 52 . 8/21
Now the parts of a puzzle come together and finally make sense. That's awesome. I would have never imagined the truth to be like this.
And the trial is ahead... I'm soooo looking forward to it!
Guest chapter 52 . 8/17
You must be an expert on TLM! This chapter reminds me of TLM III. If I had read this chapter first, I would be afraid when I watch the film that Triton would turn out to be another Poseidon after Athena's death. And those scenes in TLM I when Triton was furious about Ariel's collection, showing his hatred of human, I would think it was the curse left in Trident that aggravated Triton's hatred and got the best of him. I feel so sorry for Triton under your pen. I love that you let Neptune show up in the story. I remember the episode that Triton recalled his grandfather, that's one of my favorite episodes. It's a pity that he just showed up once. This chapter perfectly filled this blankness as it did on the other.
All in all, this chapter makes my day (So do the previous chapters)and invites me to some contemplation. Looking forward to reading the following chapters. Update soon, pleeeeeeeease! XD
Guest chapter 52 . 8/17
You must be an expert on TLM! The story of Poseidon reminds me of TLM III. I can imagine that I would be worried when I watch the film, I would be afraid that Triton would turn out to be another Poseidon after Athena's death, if I had read this chapter first. And those scenes in TLM I, when Triton was furious with Ariel's collection, showing his hatred for human, I wou
DarklordRhino84 chapter 52 . 8/17
nice chapter I wonder when the next chapter is coming out and I wonder if is Remora attack, Ariel and, try to strangle her to death in the end
jwill21 chapter 52 . 8/15
May this was an amazing and in depth chapter. Need more!
DarklordRhino84 chapter 2 . 8/8
nice i can't wait to see the final battle
The Nameless One chapter 51 . 8/3
Ariel and Grimsby surely are the heroes of the day! And now I burn with curiosity to know how our good old advisor wants to solve that difficult case. He can be creative when he wants :D
Mogor chapter 51 . 7/29
Please update soon. Love this story.
TardisBlueMermaid chapter 51 . 7/31
This story is definitely one of my favorite! I am so glad you have continued to update it over these past 7 years. The world building and thought you put into this story is amazing. I've loved every plot twist and revealed and discovering Lara's past. She has such a tragic past, and this story about Yumino just absolutely broke my heart. I can't wait to find out what Grimsby plan is to help Lara. I want her to be able to enjoy the happiness she can have in Seahaven with Ariel, Eric, Melody, and her new friends and family. Of course, Maelstrom will have to be defeated first.

jwill21 chapter 51 . 7/29
Great chapter. Feel sorry for Lara.
DarklordRhino84 chapter 51 . 7/28
nice chapter good job and I'm looking forward to the big battle and I wonder if Ariel'is going to get strangled by an assassin or something
weasel AKA boundedsumo chapter 51 . 7/27
just wanna let you know. this story is crack cocaine to me
The Writer Cookie chapter 51 . 7/27
See, now I want an AU where Yumino doesn't die and she and Lara get to be happy together. You have made me care about a dead oc who has only appeared in scraps of flashbacks until this chapter. I'm sitting here wanting to write fanfic of your fanfic. I applaud you
And little baby Aria is the most precious thing. I think having her around could be good for Lara too. We saw already, in this chapter, how she was able to get Lara to set aside her grudge just by smiling at her. I'm hoping that's a good sign for things to come.
I'm also hoping that that might help sway Triton; the fact that she's the godmother of his newest granddaughter. It may not (he has a history of letting his own feelings and his belief that he knows best overrule the feelings of his family) but it is a chance and I am clinging to it.
I loved this chapter and I look forward to the next one, as always. Can't wait to see what Grimsby's come up with
Hey, by the way, it's the anniversary of this fic today, isn't it? Seven years, damn. Congratulations!
DarklordRhino84 chapter 31 . 7/8
nice story wonder if Remora's going to try to strangle ariel in the end
The Nameless One chapter 50 . 6/18
So it's finally damn time, yes! I couldn't imagine myself to agree with Remora, but now her thoughts are mine, too xD

Hive Queen has shown more humanity than I could've expected. I felt pity for her as well. Ariel seems to become a psycholigist to all supernatural creatures around her :D That's awesome, that's why I love this redhead.

But I didn't like that Hive Queen has told about her exact age. It took away part of her mysteriousness. She's an Eternal, why would she want to remember her exact number of years at all? It left me a bit confused.

Well, now looking forward to the great showdown between Maelstrom and Alliance! I just wish _so hard_ to it. You are awesome, remember it! Your stories are great!
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