Reviews for lapis lazuli
Scififan33 chapter 4 . 11/7/2019
Wow! Poor Ianto. Glad it turned out right in the end. Jack forgave him right? After all he did turn on his King for them
Guest chapter 4 . 12/9/2017
Brilliantly vivid and amazingly well written - I can’t get this world out of my head! Do you mind if I use the idea and basic plot on an “original” story of my own so I can do something productive with my daydreams?
sandysan2013 chapter 4 . 3/10/2017
Very exciting. Amazing and wonderful. The images pop and percolate to create fantastical images. What a delight!
shyd1 chapter 4 . 11/12/2013
AWESOME! I want more witch!Ianto adventures now!
kirallie chapter 4 . 9/30/2013
So this is replacing that other magic one that was longer and had Ianto alchemist I think? If so that's sad cause while this one was enjoyable so was that! Glad Jack forgave him. Sequel?
Chocolate and caramel chapter 4 . 9/6/2013
I love most of your Janto fics. They're vivid and we can feel the emotions bleeding through the words... *sigh*

Anyway! I love this story with combi of magic and mystery like you other fics, The Art of Far and Near and And the fire that breaks from thee, but for some odd reason, there's odd feeling of something missing in this story. I hope you can perhaps broaden the story (the potential is wonderful1) or maybe just add one more chapter to clinch the story.

Love them all though!
Anon chapter 4 . 8/7/2013
Love! As usual, another great story. Your work is always so creative and unusual. I love the worlds you see and the characters you create. Your writing really brings them to life. I would love to see more of this 'verse (if only because I always want more).
Bendyfish chapter 4 . 8/2/2013
Whew so much happening in this chapter. Your descriptions are exactly and interesting
FaiNeko chapter 4 . 8/2/2013
This is just perfection, thank you so much
Irideae chapter 4 . 7/31/2013
Can I just say- this is just brilliant, and gorgeous, and utter, utter perfection.
triquetralin chapter 4 . 7/31/2013
I have absolutely no idea what it is you've done that is unforgivable, but I'm happy to forgive you anyway!

Either you're not nearly as nutty as you think, or my state of nuttiness equals yours because, as always, I loved this! Beautiful and fierce and funny, making me go all fuzzy inside. Yep, feels like it's supposed to.

Also, I'm fairly sure I'll be humming "The Spanish Lady" for days :-)
triquetralin chapter 3 . 7/31/2013
You know, I don't think I drew a single breath throughout the whole chapter ... How do you do that?! And now I should sleep, but I most definitely will not, not when there's another chapter to read!
triquetralin chapter 2 . 7/31/2013
Oh I have missed you, so much! This is so good! *sighs happily*
No more accidents now, you hear?!
triquetralin chapter 1 . 7/31/2013
Wow, off to a good start! Drawn in from the get-go and rapidly moving on to the next chapter :-)
lelann37 chapter 4 . 7/29/2013
this was so much fun! I loved the whole idea and the witchworld was just fantastic. thanks for sharing
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