Reviews for Pangs of Confusion
Tigress-is-Awesome chapter 17 . 5/23/2019
I loved it, it was so interesting and well written, I ended up reading the whole thing in just one day. Thank you for writing it, it was awesome.
everythingwasblue chapter 11 . 4/6/2019
Yes Calhoun, call in those troops. Hallelujah!
Hikoshi chapter 19 . 3/28/2019
I gotta say, one of the most intense fan fictions I have read. The way all of the actions were written, some of the intense moments implemented into this, it was quite enjoyable to read. I'll be looking forward to the fics as it continues from here. 'Till then, signing out!
Aurora West chapter 19 . 3/4/2019
Aw, a happy ending! I really liked the description of how the Vanellope clone was deleted. I still think Dr Despair is a creep, but there's obviously more to him than pure creepiness. Plus I appreciate his admiration of Turbo, so points to him for that. ;) I'm happy we actually got to see Presidential Combat, haha.

Vanellope's growth in this fic was really nicely handled. I particularly liked her understated line about preferring the title of 'citizen' to 'president'. Nice work on this!
Aurora West chapter 15 . 3/4/2019
Nice to see the Sugar Rush racers get some action! Also LOL at Presidential Combat. Obviously neither of them was ever president but I hope Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr are playable characters :P
Aurora West chapter 13 . 3/4/2019
Dr Despair is kind of a creep, isn't he? I admit I'm curious how he killed everyone in the game...did he bring them outside to execute them? Or did he figure out some way to stop them from regenerating?
Aurora West chapter 7 . 3/4/2019
Enjoying this so far! Dr Despair's voice is really distinct (and like we talked about, with definitely more than an echo of Christopher Lee). I'm not sure exactly what his plan is yet but I'm pretty sure it's not good. A little too much talk of stability... Claudia seems cool (Indiana Jones-esque outfit and cybernetic eye? Sign me up) and I hope we see more of her.

Vanellope, just give them the free elections...
ColdSpike2475 chapter 19 . 1/7/2019
Quite the odd ending there. I can't wait to read more stories from ya.
SewerSurfin chapter 19 . 6/26/2018
What a great read!
inactive site member chapter 1 . 4/11/2016
I can't believe I actually duped all of you into believing every single troll guest review came from me.

For some reason you people still think I can be redeemed and should have a 2nd chance. I can't be redeemed and I don't deserve or even want a 2nd chance.

I'm going to get enough of you to hate me so that you all convince the mods never to allow me back.

Since they are too cowardly to do it despite my demands they do so.

And yes, this is a spam post to waste your time.
Antha1 chapter 11 . 4/13/2015
Just so you know, hanging by your arms is not a survivable position. The Romans used it as a method of execution and called it crucifixion.
Windsett chapter 13 . 2/16/2014
Chapter 11
It's true that if it wasn't for Ralph the Sugar Rush cy-bug incident would never happened, and it's also true we don't have any evidence of Turbo causing harm to anyone else other than Vanellope or to any other game. Turbo got what he wanted - to race and be adored - and he was content with that; he didn't have any grander or more horrific plans. Still doesn't excuse what he did to Vanellope though.

Chapter 13
That's interesting the bad Doctor cloned everyone in his game - he wants and believes he deserves order, and that he's in the right. And more things for Surge to kick himself over for missing. Play to win Vanellope, and win that wager!
Windsett chapter 10 . 1/18/2014
The good doctor does not seem so good any more! Don't worry Vanellope, I'm sure you'll be fine. ...eventually.
Windsett chapter 9 . 1/14/2014
Ah poor Candlehead, being treated like that. But underneath her ditzyness I see her as being a lot stronger than anyone gives her credit for, and she'd definitely have the courage and the intelligence to act on something she didn't think was right.
And Vanellope, what's happening with the two of you? And Calhoun's insults are good! Shoot the sound system Tamora, you know you want to! Treat yourself - it will regenerate or can be rebuilt, so why not!
Windsett chapter 7 . 1/2/2014
Ch. 6
Ah poor Vanellope, caught in such a situation. And I bet she was really actually a bit crushed that Taffyta and Rancis did that to her - after everything that had happened, her forgiving them their treatment of her, they go and do this to her. But they believe they have their reasons. Ah Ralph, don't fight with her - she needs you!

Ch. 7
Ah Surge, getting friendly(ish) with Dr. Despair and letting things slide. The power of what a few kind words to someone can do. And the good Doctor, what games are you playing with Vanellope? His line about people valuing stability - do what we say and you won't suffer, so sure they'll like it! His game sounds good though.
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