Reviews for Overwhelming Emotions
Beverly chapter 7 . 9/27/2017
I like the story its very good wrens so cute. Is English not your first language! Just wondering be cause sometimes you use the wrong in between words but I knows English is very hard to read and write so good job
Lila Dunmare chapter 20 . 1/21/2016
This is the sweetest thing I have ever read ! I loved it ! Thank you so much for writing this beautiful story !
Cutie-Pie-Angel chapter 20 . 5/19/2015
Oh my, this story was so fantastic and amazing *-*
Boku no Botanist chapter 20 . 11/4/2014
This is probably one of the most beautiful RiRen stories I've ever read. I have one tiny question... In the last chapter, did Irvin (Erwin) and Armin get the hook up? If so... GLORIA TO YOU!
Woohoo chapter 20 . 11/1/2014
I loved the salute at the end
Thank you for this, it was really fun to read!
Pervy Kouhai chapter 20 . 5/11/2014
I have to admit, during the first few chapters, I was aggravated at the copious amount of grammatical errors and incorrect words being used, but I ignored that so I could enjoy this story. I was enthralled the entire time. I spent my Mother's Day reading this story and crying my heart out.

This is hands down, the SWEETEST LevixEren story I have ever read in my life. Thank you for writing this masterpiece. I loved every single chapter.

...So... You should write an epilogue. So we can see a brief look into their lives down the road. OH MY GOD. YOU SHOULD HAVE EREN AND LEVI ADOPT A CHILD AND NAME HER PETRA. *Dies*
myost95 chapter 20 . 4/22/2014
Thank you! I just -ah! I Loved it! Nuff said.
myost95 chapter 16 . 4/22/2014
This chapter torn the rest of my heart out but then put it back after the steamy sex! Sadly, because of this crying I am sleepy. I will definitely finish this tomorrow! Thank you for the story! I've never cried so much for a story before. But it's a good thing! :)
myost95 chapter 15 . 4/22/2014
It's 3:20 am and I have work in the morning. I'm crying like a baby because of this chapter, even in the lemony goodness parts. It's so sad!
maskmyheart chapter 20 . 2/26/2014
This is the best.
#crying happily
Fran-anisca Grave chapter 2 . 2/21/2014
I just love Mikasa deaath glare especially if it's directed to Levi. And oh Shasha. Her and her steamed potato.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/18/2014
This story made me stay up at 2:30 in the morning on a school night just to finish this.

I must say, the ending made me smile like a brat {;
AdDicTiOn chapter 16 . 2/13/2014
I cried so much at the beginning out of complete horror, desperation, and pure sadness... then tears of 'happiness' rained down like waterfalls halfway through and onward...
xXRoboManiacXx chapter 20 . 2/13/2014
I hate you making my eyes pain for crying over the part when they die in their past life... (Nah.. just joking XD)

Good story anyway ;)
Lovely-Dark-Shadows chapter 20 . 2/11/2014
God dammit! You kept me up all night with this story! I got school woman, what were you thinking? Lol I love this story too much for words. I really was up all night wanting to finish this and now its 9:00am. *sigh* it was worth the eye strain though, and your lemons were superb ;) *pounds fist on heart* until we meat again my yaoi leader!
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