Reviews for Rain Peas
Kaylee chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
I'm sorry but I really didn't like this one shot it's just not my type of story I'm so sorry :(.
Ley03 chapter 1 . 10/27/2013
Aww, this is sad and cute at the same time! I just like to browse sad stories when I'm sad, but this made me happy :)
Beanka Juarez chapter 1 . 9/30/2013
That was sad but really cute at the same time. How do you do it? :)
Take chances beyond the norm chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
Love this. Fabulous job.
Petah's Lost Gurl chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
Sad, but still amazing! I loved it! :)
Anara love chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
Hu can you write a oneshot/songfic about PTL by Relient K? Please consider it, preferably Austin and ally... Please? It's a good song... Can you think about it at least? Just listen to the song plzz it'll mean the world to me :) thanks
Anara love chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Awwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeee! I feeling, feelings!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
I want to know more about austin and ally if they have more kids and kids and anniversary 73 pages please chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
You did it. You actually did it. And in such a short time too. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. It literally made my day.

This may make me sound stupid but whatever. Anyaways, when I first started reading, I thought Ally was the one knotting his jeans, and then when he called her Stitch, I got all happy and smiled and laughed and all that, only to find that's actually not Ally. And until then I remembered the whole plot and everything. Oh well, it was still cute how he called her Stitch, really. And I also like how you kept that whole having feelings for each other when they were sixteen and broke it off because it didn't work out, like, it showed how they grow and found other people ( even tho it freaking hurts so much ), and still those feelings for each other are still there. Ally felt like she was being a third wheel in this hangout part and it hurt, especially when Stitch asked him if it's a date and looked over at Ally, you coud just imagine her face and I do not deal with a broken, pained Ally.

It was nice to see Ally still by his side no matter what. "The only question is, are they in the right spots? There's the bride to be and the maid of honor. Two spots, and he's spent the night flipping them around as he flipped in bed." this basically changed everything. I don't know how else to explain it. The fact that he didn't end his call with Ally just because his wife was trying to get his attention made me smile but then again it all got painful with the positive thing and Ally crying and nope. Okay, so at the pre-Christmas party is where I got a little bit confused but after reading it for the second time, I got it, so don't worry. A kind of jealous Austin, what better could I ask for?

First of all, I actually laughed at his daughter's nickname, but it was still cute :). And second of all, that wasn't even Ally who died and man it still hurt. Austin broke me and Wednesday broke me and it just all in all hurt me.

Going around saying your girlfriend is shaving your legs. Wow. Way to go Charlie. It still hurt, when he told her all about it and how he told it. It still freaking hurt.

The scene at the airport was beautiful. That is all. I'm glad you throw in the idea o fhis daughter replacing her mother with Ally, and Austin thinking that she souldn't, because it's not that easy. Again, the scene with the tea hurt me. It's been a while since I've read a fic with a broken Austin who's not afraid to cry. Okay, so I've had it enough with Charlie and I just really want to slap him right now after what he said about Austin. And the note was so cute and you could actually feel that it meant more than it had in it.

Wednesday is seriously so adorable and it was so cute when she caught him trying to hold Ally's hand under the table and when both of them giggled. That's exactly what I wanted to see, Austin being Ally and still thinking about Stitch once in a while. It may sound unfair, but it's reasonbale. And Ally stopping their date because he's not feeling that well literally said everything about what kind of a person Ally is. Somehow, that was perfect. Again, his daughter is the most adorable thing, ever.

The whole picture with all of them together is just a happy sight and it made me happy. Great choice making them still be together just boyfriend and girlfriend for more than 3 years, and not making her say "yes" exactly the first time, not that she rejected him, but it gave off a good feeling, like, that being married doesn't change what they have. Kinda. You know what I mean.

"It's time for something new. It's time for Ally." this is what I was looking for. A plus. "They're kissing, and a tear escapes, because he's picturing the last time he was up here. Her thumb wipes it away, and he grins." this again was perfect because now he was the one crying and she was the one wipping his tears and it was a beautiful scene and just all in all perfect.

You said/expressed everything I've wanted to see and feel. It was perfect. Great, great great, job :).
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
I love your fanfics!
LoveShipper chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
I am sorry that Austin lost his first wife but glad that he allowed his real first love aka Ally back into his life and heart.
BunneybearsXD chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
This was really awesome! But I was sorta confused at some parts here and there so next time could u please use some of the people's names cuz sometimes when u were like "he" and "she" and there was more then one and girl or more then one guy I got really confused but I read it over again and I understood it so it was till an epicly AWESOME one-shot! U r SO good at one-shots! Keep writing!
AnneCpc chapter 1 . 7/14/2013
It fits in some ways with today. 4
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14/2013
that was beautiful. i really think you are better at writing one-shots like this; it was incredible.
Banananah chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
OMFG what is this piece of literature did I just read?


Seriously my so-called 'feels' are all over the place right now. Sure I have been confused in parts here and there, but re-reading them gave some justice. I quite enjoyed figuring who 'she' and 'he' were pertaining to when two of the same gender were in the same scene actually haha. Anyway beautiful work, very well written and you're truly my #1 author to look forward to when writing A&A one-shots. Seriously, keep it up! :)
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