Reviews for Star Wars: The Competition Wars
Balin Lord of Moria chapter 2 . 10/3/2013
I really like this story! It's very satisfying to see the Clone Wars characters having fun in a competitive tournament for once instead of just fighting battles. Almost everyone is a crack-up when they're playing croquet, especially Grievous and Anakin!

This story has given me an idea to write a Clone Wars story with a similar scenario to this one, involving the sorts of things Civil War soldiers on both sides did to pass the time in their camp life. If I can think of a good way to write it while making it unique from this story, I might start writing it in the near future.
Blue Raspberry Boy chapter 5 . 8/27/2013
Very amusing and entertaining story so far! I have so much fun reading it :)
Bluesaber3 chapter 5 . 8/20/2013
Great final chapter! I really enjoyed it! Sorry I didn't read/review sooner, I was away for a week.

Thumbs up to you!
Sparks' Stories chapter 5 . 8/16/2013
Great ending, I wasn't expecting Yoda to do something as crafty as to fool everyone into signing that document and taking power for himself, but the small print and the singing of the Huttese opera takes the cake as far as randomness and hilarity go.

Leave it to Savage to miss the signal too, oh well, I'm sure Dooku was too annoyed with Yoda to think about it too much in the end. I also really liked the closing line from Palpatine, the medical plan bit had me in stitches :-P

Overall the story was very entertaining and funny and I hope you get to write a sequel in future. Brilliant work as always, Count.

Benjamin Warren chapter 5 . 8/11/2013
That was a really great story. Congratulations to all the participants.
AVP5 chapter 5 . 8/11/2013
Not bad an interesting way to end this. As always good job.
Sparks' Stories chapter 4 . 8/9/2013
What in the six moons of Shili are Savage and Dooku up to? I can't wait to see what they have planned.

It's a shame that the Persistent Padawans finished second last, but at least Ahsoka beat Grievous and didn't finish dead last, though I'm sure the latter will be more than a little ticked off when he's being awarded the wooden spoon.

Poor Shaak Ti, it seems like everyone's out to injure her and I'm sure she's happy that the games are finally over so she can get some much needed healing time.

Nice reference to what was to come for Ahsoka, Barriss and Ventress, I guess they all broke their promises to each other in the end.

Looking forward to the final chapter and the awards ceremony.

Bluesaber3 chapter 4 . 8/5/2013
Good chapter! I always laugh whenever you reference something that "will" happen eventually. xD

Excited to see how this all wraps up! :D

VinTress chapter 3 . 8/4/2013
Very good story! I enjoyed every chapter :)
Guest chapter 4 . 8/4/2013
so whats "the signal"? lol this has been very...interesting and funny :-)
-random reader w/o a profile :D
Benjamin Warren chapter 4 . 8/4/2013
Looks like Anakin and Obi-Wan have won.
AVP5 chapter 4 . 8/4/2013
I hope the padawans it would be cool if they did. Once again you did well with the chapter and I'm looking forward for more.
Sparks' Stories chapter 3 . 8/3/2013
Hmm, what are Dooku and Savage up to? Apart from throwing nerf dogs about that is.

Another nice chapter, Count and sorry for taking so long to review it. I'm glad to see the Persistent Padawans have taken the lead on the team scoreboard, though Barriss seems to be carrying Ahsoka at the moment, hopefully that changes, though with the random results one can never be too sure.

I loved Ahsoka's reaction to the thimiar sandwich, "icky poo" sounds just about right, though I don't think I'd fancy Rokarian dirt fish either.

Looking forward to the next chapter and again, apologies for taking so long to review.

Bluesaber3 chapter 3 . 7/29/2013
Good chapter! LOL Savage selling food, that was funny :D Can't wait to see what other crazy happenings will go on in the next chapter P
Benjamin Warren chapter 3 . 7/29/2013
Things are getting more interesting with each chapter.
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