Reviews for Blood
HaLogi Flame chapter 26 . 6/27
This chapter gave me an amazing idea for a fic, what if harry was a germaphobe, becuase the entire wizarding world is stuck in the Middle Ages before hygiene was a thing
FLYINGSQUIRREL527 chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
Hey so hemophilia runs in my grandfathers side of the family and the gene actually can be inherited from a father. It’s not common but in rare cases a women can be a symptomatic carrier of it to the point where it can become life threatening, even if though it’s extremely rare. This is what happened to my mother and she got the gene from her dad. The most common course is through the mother but Mother Nature does her own thing. I’m happy to see you taking liberties that make your story work and just thought I would share that little bit with you so don’t let anyone give you crap for it.
ViviTheFolle chapter 28 . 10/4/2019
Alright, I don't read Severitus fics, but you know, the sweet scent of Ron appreciation was there to entice me.
I'm not even mad that it ended up in Drarry; this whole story was great. Your Ron was absolutely amazing and I thank you profusely for giving us a fic where he's allowed to be his beautiful, wonderful canon self. I'm pretty much obsessed with Ron and any fic that portrays him well earns my approval, so you got me easily!
Even though I love myself a RonarryRomione, Romione with minimum Drarry on the side is also fine by me. Your Draco redemption was believable and I liked that he did address he was an awful little shit. I think that Draco goes past the point of no-return after Book 4, so having him change during PoA instead was a good way of setting up your Drarry endgame.
Harry's crush on Ron was so cute and I'm only sad that he didn't get to have some heart-to-heart with Ron as closure at least, with the most awesome outcome being that Ron decides to date both Harry and Hermione because fuck yeah power of love, but hey, can't have everything. I was very happy to see the little reference to Ronald BI-lius Weasley in the form of his sexuality. :D
Carina Llex chapter 3 . 7/15/2019
Harry, you don't know it yet but the reason you're embarrassed at looking like a fool in front of Snape is because you've been abused by the Dursleys meaning you latch onto any human connection you can. First Ron's family, now a subconsious bond to Snape... The latter in particular is a result of the world, both muggle and wizarding, stupidly placing blood relation on a huge pedestal.

The Lord of Chaos, so far this story is AMAZING! XD Everything makes sense and Harry is in-character and the plot is interesting and all interactions feel fully natural (even the terrifying ones with Greyback).
Marbbles123 chapter 28 . 6/26/2019
Great story! Really enjoyed it, although not a big fan of who Harry ended being in a relationship with. Just not a big fan of the ship, but didn’t ultimately mind it, especially since it wasn’t a big part of the story.

Loved Ron! He is my favourite character and you did him justice. And I was kind of rooting for them, although I couldn’t picture them ending up together right away. Maybe in the future if he and Hermione ended amicably.

Overall, amazing story. You worked really hard on it and it was really enjoyable!
Animekitty47 chapter 28 . 2/19/2019
Thanks for completing this awesome fanfiction. The slow burn on his relationship with Snape, the excellent treatment of Harry's mental trauma and state at all the points in the fic, even the slightly out of left field inability to talk to was well explained and cinematically resolved. And a take on the tournament that was simultaneously the Stations of Canon and fresh was well done, as was Lupin and everything involving lycanthropy and Ron, and, oh, I'll be forever gushing. .

Thanks again for working on this fic until the end. *adds to favorites* Now I'm going to go see how that "Undying Fire" Avatar fic you recommended is. :D Hope you're doing well.
Animekitty47 chapter 22 . 2/7/2019
Ron as the second champion?! It's hard to do original stuff in a fandom as massive as HP, but congrats on managing.

The spoiler about Harry becoming a werewolf in the intro author's note was annoying, but you've done such a marvelous job with, just, everything. Harry and his inner demons and trauma and utter lack of anything resembling self esteem..your Ron is beautifully done. He's such a hard character to get right.

Even the plot point about Dumbledore having a general sense of the future to explain his behavior in general. Which fits into canon hilariously well.

Guest chapter 28 . 2/3/2019
Just finished reading this and it has to be one of the best HP fan fictions that I’ve read!
Supermoi chapter 17 . 1/26/2019
So Harry really is a Werewolf? Greyback succeeded in his scheme in his death throes... I want to know what happens next.
Supermoi chapter 13 . 1/23/2019
Dumbledore, keep your nose out of other peoples business for God's sake! Manipulative old coot!
els2010 chapter 28 . 11/29/2018
So this was a whirlwind. I loved it, you have possibly my most favourite portrayal of Ron ever. And definitely my favourite portrayal of the Golden Trio friendship. I loved how you didn’t gloss over the mental trauma caused to people after traumatic events and how it was dealt with by the characters. I can’t say much more other than I really really loved it tbh!
Petrichor942 chapter 28 . 10/20/2018
I've been reading this for the past couple weeks and have completely fallen in love with your writing. You tell a story so well, and captured each character's development so beautifully and realistically, downplaying bits of Harry's life to reflect his distorted view on things and then bigging it up as the problem it is seen from anothers' perspective. Thank you for writing this, and I hope there are more HP fictions from you to come!
Creamed Cheese chapter 28 . 10/19/2018
I’ve loved this story. Not one bit had me annoyed! I have no idea why I haven’t stumbled across it before. Thanks for writing it.
VannahSkye chapter 28 . 10/8/2018
Oh my goooosh. I just. Can't even right now. I love love love this story so much. I've honestly been putting off reading this last chapter for a while because I didn't want it to end. But wow what a great ending. Just all of it. So good. Especially that speech! Omg. Killer. Harry's amazing. You're amazing. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
BadgeryFox chapter 28 . 9/25/2018
Great original take on the severitus trope. Thank you for writing!
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