Reviews for Nothing Comes from Nothing
Ashley chapter 17 . 8/29
I really miss this fiction. It has been a long time since an update, maybe you guys became too busy or just not interested in the characters after season 6 ended so poorly as well as it is my understanding that season 7 was abysmal. This is a really enjoyable fiction that I am happy that I had the opportunity to read. I hope one day you both might decide to continue, however, it is perfectly understandable that people move on and gain different interests. Again, I am just happy that I had the opportunity to read the story up to this point. Thank you!
Cindi chapter 17 . 8/1
Wow, that was long with not much reward. Instead of them being together there is a whole lot of "other" other characters, other time and experiences for Regina, or just big groups scenes. Can't say I am a fan, I kind of feel like I was teased into a fiction that seemed incredible to begin with to become a long list of everything the writers personally have issue with in their own lives that decided to use the 2 heroines of OUAT to exercise their own demons.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/9
Good idea with the flashbacks! They give a bit of context to who Regina is. Btw since Regina is a "fledglin or whatever... is she still considered that? Since she is the first in a Millenia? Great job! Hope to see this continue?
OrthoGoddess07 chapter 17 . 7/10
I've spent all of my free time these last four days reading the entire story and I'm so sad there isn't more! You're such a gifted writer and storyteller, and I love how you've given each character a complicated backstory which doesn't really mirror the show's (especially Regina's). The character development and intricate plotline totally make up for lack of romance between Emma and Regina; it seems like we're inching towards it, and I'm more than happy to wait and see how it plays out.
I understand it's been a while since you've last updated, but I hope that things work out and you decide to return and complete the story. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Matyy24 chapter 17 . 6/15
Bonjour parakitty ,S il vous plait j adore votre histoire allez vous la continuer ?
Rebecca chapter 17 . 5/24
While I was initially thrilled to have found a quality fiction I had not read before, after finishing 17 chapters I am really not sure how this went from a wonderful story filled with SQ moments, chapters almost being exclusively them, to what it changed to. While the Crows Guard are not a bad idea, their overuse gets tiresome and takes away from SQ. The chapter a few back there was almost no SQ and had Emma being a crew member, while some guard members raised themselves to superior positions was a little hard to swallow, this is not the old world, they have no such positions in Storybrook. I thought you would have Regina put them in their place, but that really did not occur. I did notice the next chapter you tried to do some damage control, but having Emma say she understands and does not want to be treated differently did not really make it alright for me, it just seemed like you wanted to correct a little of what you had written, but, that for the most part you did not care what the readers were displeased about in their reviews, and were going to go about forcing us to accept Emma as a lower ranking member of the guard. That is so different from how this story was in the earlier chapters, a little Crows Guard goes a long way. So, now we have Emma just one of the guard, and we start getting think back scenes from Regina when she was with the King, again they take away from SQ, do many really care about anything other than SQ? Not only are they memories she is having, but they are presenting a Regina I could care less about and someone I would never read about. All these pregnancies, kind of not at all what I wanted to read about at all. I just don't understand why you chose these additions, there is not much OUAT about your story any longer, and the beloved character of Regina just seems really weak now, she is such an awesome character and for a while you were showing her as such. There are 17 completed chapters, 3 of which are Neverland, another one will make Neverland 25% of your currently written story, hopefully that is enough and you do not intend to keep the story parked in Neverland too long, as the last chapters have not been nearly as good as those prior to Neverland.
Guest chapter 17 . 4/4
Just wanted to let you know you still have readers anxiously waiting for the next chapter! Can't wait to find out what happens next!
HowNowBrownCow0603 chapter 17 . 3/18
This is the definitive SwanQueen story for me, even in its unfinished form. The understanding of the complexity of the human condition shines through and is handled with such delicacy. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I love everything you’ve given us here, every character is so alive. If I could reach through my device screen to pay you I would without second thoughts. You are an artist so if you ever return I’ll be waiting, I have from the first chapter written so long ago.
swiftie1321 chapter 17 . 3/8
Wow loved it! I hope Rumple and Regina's relationship will aprove... plus I am so curious where are Regina's and Leopold's kids! Why Snow never mentioned them? You have such a great story!
JenDamn chapter 15 . 2/8
I'm assuming you wrote your additional remarks based off of other comments. I'm sure I'd agree with some of the polite ones. You are creating a scenario where one person has a lot more power over the other, and those relationships are rarely healthy. When Widow Granger says that Gold's plan didn't work out the way he wanted (Emma not leashing Regina, but vice versa), that's totally what it seems like. You're starting to make Emma seem like a subservient puppy.
JenDamn chapter 14 . 2/8
The Crows suck at their job. How many times have Greg and Tamara got the drop on them? Even after they are aware of their strategies. Jesus. Well, hopefully they'll be able to make up for it without dying.
JenDamn chapter 10 . 2/6
Emma has been very concerned about the messed up shtuff that happened to Regina, and always tries to comfort her. This was Regina's chance, and then she just fed her sandwiches. The amount of pain that Neil put her through, and . . . This is ridiculous. Regina could be more understanding, etc., while still making the best decisions for her brat son. What? So there is some familial bond that she doesn't understand w Neil? Yet, Emma, has chosen Regina over her parents so many effin times. . . Regina may be right, but she could be so much more caring and understanding. And, whoa, what a slow burn. . .
JenDamn chapter 9 . 2/6
Okay. I'm starting to think Snow has some type of power. Like first with Pinnochio's dad, and than maybe later with, outside Gold's shop with Emma, and all the interactions with Henry. I'm curious about this true love religion thing.
JenDamn chapter 6 . 2/5
Cute chapter. I'm just really really not fond of Henry, well not ever, honestly. The whole Regina pornstar voice thing was hilarious, lol.
JenDamn chapter 7 . 2/5
Awesome chapter! Although I am more than a little irked that people like Snow, Charming, and most especially Blue weren't being watched much more closely by the Crows. I'm sad to see you haven't finished this fic, but at least your chapters are really long. :o) Maybe you'll pick up the story later on, its really good.
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