Reviews for Haunted Men
Krismaril chapter 12 . 4/7/2018
Brilliant chapter! you have a perfect control of Points of view and Characters.
Krismaril chapter 5 . 4/7/2018
Okey, aún no termino pero tengo que decir que esto es lo más emocionante que he leído este año. Te estoy comparando con Ágata Christie, autor.
Perdona el español, tengo prisa para seguir leyendo como para pensar en gramática inglesa.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/12/2018
This is incredible. You are an amazing writer and you keep everyone in character so well! Keep up the good work! Also, that ending...
Marcus S. Lazarus chapter 21 . 5/18/2014
While I still feel your timing-related choices for the ‘Supernatural’ cast is a bit questionable, with the various characters having all established a connection, it’s fascinating to see them come together once again as something attacks all three groups, leaving Castiel with no other hope but to recruit the aid of a man presumed dead to tackle a highly unusual mystery.
The questions raised by the house’s mysterious nature were always interesting while giving us some intriguing hints about what was going on, ranging from Sherlock and Castiel’s investigations to Merlin subconsciously using the house’s unique atmosphere to give himself what he wanted most, and while the ‘alternate reality’ angle felt a bit surplus at first, you did still create an interesting (Albeit brief) look at how things unfolded in a world where the protagonists NEVER existed.
Admittedly, I find it hard to imagine Dean seriously thinking that it would be a good idea to remain in a world which has been torn apart by various alien races at war with each other- thinking about staying in the Djinn’s world when he thought it was real was one thing as only individual lives had been affected, but something on this scale is another matter altogether- but the final revelation about the nature of their opponent certainly worked, the various games representing a step up from his original ‘arsenal’ as a reflection of how much more complicated the universe has become without the Time Lords to keep him in check, as did your reasoning about how the clues came together.
All in all, some interesting ideas and an intriguing way to bring the groups back together, but I feel that you skimmed over some details that could have been elaborated on; why the villain was interested in targeting the Winchesters and Merlin as well as the Doctor, some more examples of how this world was grimmer than the one we know without the heroes to give them hope, things like that…
The conclusion sowed the seeds for a very interesting third part to this trilogy, don’t get me wrong, but you just need to take more time setting up the wider world you’d created when depicting an alternate reality on this scale.
Alice chapter 1 . 3/30/2014
Guest chapter 4 . 3/11/2014
Linorien chapter 21 . 2/24/2014
Well shoot. I saw that ending coming but didn't want it. That's going to be a fun next part in the series.

But anyways, I'm super glad I didn't have homework tonight and was able to read this in one sitting. You have incredible writing chops. Perfect description, I mean, I could see the places in the story. And all the little bits connecting? So cool. I am in awe. Keep up the excellent work.
Linorien chapter 6 . 2/24/2014
Oops, that last review was supposed to relate to this chapter. I accidentally flipped back a page.
Linorien chapter 5 . 2/24/2014
Quick question about this chapter: I was getting a little confused when Merlin said he could sense something hidden in Sam but it was gone now? It was a bit too vague and I got lost. Clarification?
mudkipz chapter 21 . 1/6/2014

I want it
I need it
Guest chapter 1 . 11/10/2013
This was a very well written SuperWhoMerLock story and I hope to read the next one. (There is something that I think fans of SuperWhoLock Merlin should know.) There is a new and final show that has joined the fandom called Arrow from CW. I think this show would be good to have in the group because in the past groups we had alot of at least 2 or 3 BBC shows and 1 CW show. I saw a video on Youtube that had all 5 of these shows and I thought it was totally perfect and it would make an awesome and brilliant story to write about. So if any of you brilliant writers want to try to write about a Supernatural, Arrow, Doctor Who, Merlin and Sherlock story then have a crack at it.

Winter will be coming soon and so will the next story.
Tara Laurel chapter 21 . 11/7/2013
oooooohhh. Nice ending twist! Can't wait for Part Three!
Tara Laurel chapter 20 . 11/7/2013
Aww. Loved the goodbyes. Spot on for each character!
Tara Laurel chapter 18 . 11/7/2013
I love when the Doctor lists them all off and how he describes them. (" genius, an angel..." that whole list) I don't know why, but it felt like this really awesome moment. It definitely is something the Doctor would say.
Tara Laurel chapter 8 . 11/6/2013
I laughed so hard at Arthur's comment about finding a seamstress! Ha!
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