Reviews for Run
JayneCobb123 chapter 1 . 8/29
It was supposed to be ON. THE.

Review still stands.
JayneCobb123 chapter 46 . 8/29
I have read this story MANY times, And although There are a lot of Logan/Marie stories I love, this is absolutely THE. BEST. STORY. .TWO. .INTERNET. FULL STOP.

This is an absolute masterpiece. I can't tell you how much I love it.

Thank you for the gift of your work.
Jackie Human chapter 46 . 8/24
What made me laugh a couple of times throughout was your little homages to the oeuvre of the Esteemed Australian Gentleman. I saw what you did there, with the left-handedness, and the Never Never, and the "Do I excite you?" Cute, but not too cute!

Did you ever think maybe they should have switched names? He's really more of a Rogue, with no rules and no place to belong. She's really more of a Wolverine, being little and ferocious. And voracious! They don't call them gulo gulo (glutton) for nothing!

And no, I'm afraid I didn't quite buy the reconciliation. Her saying "it was all an act" didn't quite bridge the gap between what were really two different novels, distinct in tone and content. I think you could have come back from that horrible quarrel, but not with the "do-over" pilgrimage road-trip, waffles and blow jobs.

And heaven forfend this particular Logan and Marie becoming parents! Two globe-trotting mercenaries with bad and/or unremembered childhoods, PTSD, and uncontrollable sex drives. Pity the poor social worker who comes from Child and Family Services to look into that mess!

I did like that original kink idea about turning her powers on during his climax. Something to think about in a quiet moment! Should he have been on top, though? If he had collapsed on her with enough force to knock her out - and let's face it, he's a heavy guy even without the adamantium- they could both have been killed.

And Jubes as the go-between and "fifth business" character was inspired. You did so well with her!
Jackie Human chapter 35 . 8/23
I realize this was written long ago about a pretend-y world with an unrecognizable Canada, but I'm obliged to say that not even Wolverine can drive to Juneau. There are no roads. That's Juneau's quirk. Accessible only by boat and air. And if they want to take the ferry NORTH to Prince Rupert from Vancouver Island, going to Prince George first will take them days out of their way, since PG is straight west of Prince Rupert. I don't know why they didn't get on the Yellowhead Highway in Winnipeg. It will take them straight to the beginning of the AlCan, or in a couple more hours to Prince Rupert. Please, get them a map. They probably could have just stayed home, since this story is mostly about blow jobs - and a bit about having sex with your boyfriend's dog? - but you've put them on the road in January, they're making terrible time, and I'm afraid they're going to freeze to death. Yes, I live up here, and yes, I love you, Rose, but this is not your strongest work. It's like listening to off key singing, or eating burnt cookies. I know what you meant to do, but that doesn't really make it better. I'm sure you're off somewhere writing splendid things by 2020, but some things just need to be said.
The Dark One Rising chapter 46 . 10/20/2019
Damn. That was quite the ride. I do think things were believable. The growth in the first section was crucial. Without that, and most stories of this ilk don’t have that, there is something missing. When Marie and the Rogue don’t have a chance to mature, there is too much of a power imbalance. You certainly delivered on your promise for a mature story. I don’t just mean the smut, either. There was genuine growth and pain, dark subjects, human emotions. Despite being fictional characters, you made the journey feel real.
The Dark One Rising chapter 41 . 10/20/2019
After all the time skips, things had settled. The fic moved at a slow pace, and that seemed to drag a bit. These past few chapters, it hasn’t felt like that. Where the slow drag was a contrast to their fierce passion, it’s a nice complement to the introspection. Here, talking, opening themselves emotionally. It feels right that this takes time.
The Dark One Rising chapter 36 . 10/20/2019
Ah, man. That makes me wish I could fly. Despite the thrill, the scenes in this chapter were serenely beautiful. They’re some of the only people ever to enjoy an experience like that, flying at that force and speed. Something very intimate about that.
The Dark One Rising chapter 32 . 10/10/2019
It’s interesting how distinct the Wolverine sounds. He comes across very clearly. It was fascinating reading the transition over to Logan. The interplay between the sort of thinking. Good style.
The Dark One Rising chapter 27 . 10/10/2019
The duality of this is lovely. It’s fitting how you’re painting out the different types of love given by the man, the beast, and both.
The Dark One Rising chapter 25 . 10/8/2019
Was sort of hoping that the peanut gallery would be Jubilee. That waitress was wonderful, however.
The Dark One Rising chapter 17 . 10/7/2019
With a good third of this story taking paced very fast, it’s nice to see it slow down. It’s nice to see them slow down. Whirling around before, they hardly had the chance to talk things out.
The Dark One Rising chapter 12 . 10/6/2019
Love your take on the Carol vs. Marie feud. She’s seems so strong now, in powers. Mentally, maybe not so. You’ve done a great job of mixing the movies and the comics.

Time always seems to be going so fast with this fic. It’s been years and years now.
The Dark One Rising chapter 9 . 10/6/2019
Well, damn. Poor both of them. This chapter, despite it’s start, ended all in raw pain and hurt and old feelings.
The Dark One Rising chapter 5 . 10/2/2019
Wow. You went through a whole lot of plot in a single chapter. You finished up X1, then did X2 and X3. Shame that Charles is dead. I would have enjoyed seeing more interactions between him and Marie, especially post-X1.
Wolfqueen917 chapter 46 . 11/8/2017
Late to the party, but holy mother of wow. Bless you for writing this gem.
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