Reviews for Dangerous Beginnings
Guest chapter 8 . 7/14/2019
I would be lying if i said I didn't imagine a young handsome Jeremy Irons as Macon while reading this. I can't help it. I love his character and you write him really well.
LittleLonnie chapter 49 . 7/15/2019
This kept my sunday busy! Years after the fic was finished and everyones migrated over to AO3 instead. What can one do when they're not introduced to this series until 2019? XD
Anyway It's been a long time since I've actually completed reading a fanfiction this long. It's so well written and the characters are absolutely lovely. Both flawed and wonderful.

Beautiful Creatures made me realize I am getting too old for YA books/movies really because when I saw the movie (watched it for Jeremy Irons really) I didn't really care much for the main kids and their love story. I just wanted more Macon because what a wonderful character (despite the obvious differences in the movie from the book). Then I read the books and yeah. I was hooked on the character.
Do I ship Lila and Macon? Hmm, I certainly do in this fic, but the books don't give us a whole lot. But I came to read this fic because this man needs love and in this he got it, but also so much pain. Dear lord why do I always love the pained characters huh?

Anyway to sum it up I love the relationships in this fic. In the books I absolutely adore the relationship between Lena and her uncle Macon so I was delighted to see we got some of them at the end as well. And Lila. Man her death was rough. Knew it was coming and knew there was nothing to do to stop it unless one goes AU.
Brainstormandthethinker chapter 49 . 5/3/2017
Dear Fanfiction Colleague

In chapter 2 you mentioned in your disclaimer that this story is for enjoyment purposes and to practise your craft. Having read it which has taken me couple of months to do so, I would like to say that I think you have mastered your craft very well. You applied the show don't tell technique successfully throughout, an area which I am still struggling with in my writing/compilations. The little quirks like music, literature, pets and family relations and dinner made this all the more an enjoyable read. You've captured the sense of it perfectly.

Never did your story came out remotely boring unlike many others which I may be inclined to quit after 1-4 chapters. Instead every time I resumed reading I found myself looking forward to another chapter that made the morning milk run more enjoyable. I adored what you did with Lila Jane Evers and the story of her life is very convincing. Well all of it is! Dangerous Beginings is a very modest prequel to Beautiful Creatures. I haven't read none of of the Casters Chronicles books to date but I feel certain that I would vouch for Dangerous Beginings over the 'Untold Casters Chronicles Series'

Absolutely Splendid Work - Fabuloso :)
PotterGirl412 chapter 2 . 9/14/2015
Oooooooooooh things are moving! May I say again that your writing is absolutely exceptional? Cuz it is! Even though I know a lot about Macon from reading the books, the chapter makes me want to find out what his deal is and who he really is. Does that make sense? No it doesn't. But if I hadn't read Beautiful Creatures, I would. I also really want to keep reading to find out how Lila gets involved in the caster world, I can tell it's going to be one heck of a story! You've captured me!
PotterGirl412 chapter 1 . 9/12/2015
Wow, this has really great writing! Beautiful Creatures isn't too popular a series on , so i wasn't expecting to find a well written, long story of it, and I'm glad I was wrong! Already I know I'm going to love it, and I can't wait to read more.
Fogs of Gray chapter 49 . 4/26/2015
Oh, Liz.

I think this chapter might be the greatest ending to something I've read, if not in the overall literature umbrella, then at least in fan-generated works. Given, I've probably read far too much of the latter and have grown partial to it, especially this particular work. It also helps I'm fond of your characterization of Macon. :)

Well, there were tears. Happy tears, proud tears, mind-numbingly joyful tears. I just…gah! I can't express how happy I am for you, Liz. This ended beautifully. :) I'm sorry I didn't supported you more, honestly. I'm positive I've missed about half of your chapters (reviewing them, not reading them). I'll have to go back through and check.

Kindest regards,
Guest chapter 48 . 4/22/2015
So if the story is about to end so them when are you going to start the new one? I mean if you're really going to write another...
Rory chapter 48 . 4/20/2015
Oh, that was so smart. I'm sad and happy that the end is close. This story was the best BC fanfiction I've dever read in my life.
Guest chapter 46 . 4/12/2015
Great chapter, but hey, shound't Lila's parents be dead?
Rory chapter 46 . 4/12/2015
The way you wrote Lila's dead in the last chapter was really powerfull. I can't pretende that I didn't found myself crying again, but at some point in the Caster Chronicles Ethan says that death is worst to the ones who stay and I do believe he is right.
You said the authors aways make Macon save the day and I think it's really bad that he saved everyone but cound not have his own happy ending.
If the main story of the Caster Chronicles was Macon and Lila's it would probably be much more interessing even if it end up with a tragedy.
DareToDream123 chapter 46 . 4/11/2015
Wow. That's all I can say about the past two chapters because they were amazing and made me cry so much! I would have liked to see Lila put up a bit more of a fight against Hunting and Sarafine (verbally not physically) but other than that I thought Chap. 45 46 were flawless. I'm curious to how this story is going to end but since the story so far has been great I have high hopes for the ending :)
Fogs of Gray chapter 45 . 4/11/2015
Oof. That hit me like a ton of bricks. (I know, entertaining cliches, horrible habit.) I'd imagine there's more to be shattered, as far as feelings go, especially where Macon is concerned. And do I hear a threat on Macon's life? Goodness. Dark, dark chapter, darling, but that is what the story called for.

Great job, Liz!
Jordan chapter 45 . 4/8/2015
You should of had Macon save her, and change the story, their love is inedible.
Guest chapter 45 . 4/8/2015
I'm so happy that you will not stop writing. I do think you should have a Major fanfic about Macon and Lila in this fandom.
Good chapter.
Rory chapter 45 . 4/7/2015
You. Really. Made. Me . Cry.
But my dear that chapter as one of the best. It's really sad and it really broke my heart, but it as great. So you said you're working in another BC story? God bless you.
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