Reviews for Just another day
Miss Emotion chapter 1 . 4/30/2015
This was really funny and hilarious! Thank you for writing this :D
DarkIceAngelFlare chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
It was fun to read this, but you should probably go back and fix up the several errors littering this fic :)
adriftuponaseaoftime chapter 1 . 9/8/2013
This is a good story. You should continue. :)
Nutrire chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
amg. This. THIS. I'm gonna say you're fab. Again. amg, you're one of the best writers I've ever seen ;_;. Keep up the good work!
NarutoFanGirl11 chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
BRILLIANT! Everything was perfect from the humor to the smut! I loved it! :3
komorii chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
this is amazing ok
Romyislief chapter 1 . 7/11/2013
You should make this a story and not a oneshot
Guest chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
wow i never imagined rivaille bottoming, but you did it great !
i loved this fic ! thank you so much :)
Sulimo chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
Oh... I thought Rivaille was going to kick him before demanding another round. xD
azab chapter 1 . 6/25/2013
this is awesome!
I loved it a lot and Top Eren is awsome!
IsyPerolla chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
Ahhh, this stayed amazing, I LOVED! Thanks for writing this *-*
It stayed very funny and with the written a so light, enjoyed myself while reading xD

' "We're family." Mikasa affirmed, clutching Eren's hand tightly.
"I see." Rivaille raised a brow. "Better be more careful, incest is frowned upon in most societies." ' - This little dialogue aimless was very funny e very well put, I can imagine him saying this with that face of "landscape" of him, hahahaha xD
Geez, I laughed a lot with the childish discussion of Eren and Rivaille! As I would like to see this happen in the manga, sure I would cry laughing, hahaha!

Ohh, everyone in this squadron are kinda perverted, huh? Hanji, Rivaille and Mikasa, are all in the same boat of the perversion õ/ hahahaha!
OMG, Armin really thought that Eren and Rivaille were doing... ? Haha, Armin always with an imagination so fertile... well, not that this was too far from happening, hehe xD

Hmm, thank god that Rivaille made Eren hitting his head on the ground, it was a beautiful butterfly effect, huh? Due to that Eren become "crazy" and decided to take the first step to Rivaille take to bed and... wooow, my god, this lemon was very good, so hot and cute! I liked very much *-*
Ahh, Rivaille is so evil with this thing "not inside", pulls, falls a little nee... :)

"Why wouldn't I be okay? Everything's just wonderful!" - Why would not be good, nee Eren? You just lie with the hot Rivaille, it is clear that everything is perfectly fine! õ/
Loved it, loved it! This ending was beautiful, cute and funny, just perfect *-*

Until your next oneshot or until the next chapter of your fanfic, which incidentally, I am eager to continue reading!
And once again, thank you for it xD
xLoveless19 chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
*-* When you only sent me the smut portion to edit I was wondering what the rest of the fanfic was like and it is amazing! I loved it! lol And gratz on going beyond 4000 words! I don't care much for Eren being on top, but I really enjoyed him being top in this fic lol. Awesome job hun ;)