Reviews for If You Look to Your Left, You Will See
Lea.Weasley chapter 34 . 10/3/2019
Gosh, i loved your fic so much! the story was great and your writing felt so real - your O'Brien gave me chills, i could hear her voice while i was reading her parts!
Everyone felt right, no one was OOC or anything. I'm sad it's done but happy with how it ended of course.
Kudos to you!
Meowser Clancy chapter 34 . 6/8/2016
Ooh my gosh, Daisy and Alfred are so painfully sweet. Or maybe just painful, I'm not sure. OOh, a kitchen might be enough to make Alfred turn. Good to know. Thomas was flattered. He thinks.. And they say romance is dead. Great job, JImmy..

Oh oh oh I loved this story. He figured it out all by himself that THomas loved him. ANd Thomas did lvoe him. I love this. It's so good and so Downton and you're the bestest of the best :D
Meowser Clancy chapter 33 . 6/8/2016
Oh Thommy
Meowser Clancy chapter 32 . 6/8/2016
Wow Jimmy. You're certainly pushy when you want to be. I loved that whole cooking scene so much. Dinner. Bed. Oh my goodness. Poor Thomas. And of course you can totally decide when you want to get back together. Makes perfect sense, Jimmy.
Meowser Clancy chapter 31 . 6/8/2016
Yes, it's always Thomas's fault. And poor gay Emmett LOL.

Oh Jimmy. Jimmy you goof.

Meowser Clancy chapter 30 . 6/8/2016
Oh my goodness. Poor Jimmy. So miserable. And all everyone giving him is cake and baked goods. Pity, pure and simple.
Meowser Clancy chapter 29 . 6/8/2016
Oh, Thomas. Everything is cut up now.

Oh Thomas.
Meowser Clancy chapter 28 . 6/8/2016
EFffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff. nOOOO. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Meowser Clancy chapter 27 . 6/8/2016
Oh my god, Thommy. Oh no. So close and yet so far.
Meowser Clancy chapter 26 . 6/8/2016
Oohoh, Jimmy thinking that Thomas had complaints and of course Thomas didn't have any complaints.

OH MFDSOfydsalkf as;flkj IVY! IVY
Meowser Clancy chapter 25 . 6/8/2016
Oh, the way Jimmy describes Thomas touching him. Like he loves him. Like he's not even aware of it. Oh, the way Thomas was imagining what Jimmy must have been like during that day. But not even saying it. And Jimmy avoiding the bed depresses me.

Oh, Jimmy refusing to stay and Thomas trying to make a game of it and failing.
Meowser Clancy chapter 24 . 6/7/2016
Youre not here in a professional capacity are you?

I have some standards.

No you dont. I've met the duke.

I didn't say they were high standards.
Thomas's home furnishings. Love that.

And keeping it separate at work.

Oh oh oh
Meowser Clancy chapter 23 . 6/7/2016
Him kissing Thomas had been one thing. Thomas kissing him back had been another.

OMG how Thomas was kissing him and asking him what he expected and he wasn't going to be noble, as if.

Agha nd Thomas pulled back and Jimmy mentioned O'Brien and he kissed him again. Yes PLEASE.

The scene was so good. Your love scenes are fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Jimmy trying to fool himself at the end. Love it.
Meowser Clancy chapter 22 . 6/7/2016
Just raising his eyebrows made Thomas's head hurt.

"DOn't go drinkng with Philip next time."

"What should i do then?"

"Go drinking with me."

Oi. The ongoing jam saga. "We're not like most businesses." Patmore snorts. "YOu can say that again."
I love this! I love you for how perfectly you wrote EVERYONE and it's sarcastic and wickedly funny and I love this!

Having a heart attack now. Oh my god.

The hesitation that did it.

The before. Staring at Thomas's chest when he nodded. Oh my god.

Kissing. And kissing. And probably strangling Thomas at this point. oh yes please

He deleted the text and drove straight home.

well, it serves alfred right
Meowser Clancy chapter 21 . 6/7/2016
It's coffee, not the fate of the free world! I love Patmore. In every version.

Alfred was thought weedkiller for thoughts. And I loved him telling Ivy no. That was such a moment of triumph for, well, everyone.

"One long hot way that made him remember Thomas's skin under his hand."

Jimmy, MY and how it gave Jimmy a heart attack.

Oh eff eff eff what did the EVIL Duke do and why is Sybil hesitant and why did Thomas run away?

Oh. Oh, it was Edward. Damn it. That storyline killed me. I'm glad that you kept is as suicide being a bad thing and terrible choice though and yes it would hurt and Me Before You is a terrible horrible story that isn't romantic at all it's shit.

"Were you expecting someone else?"

Oh, Mrs. Patmore's routine grumbles. And Thomas had come and gone.

The duke brought him back. Hmph. Not sure how I feel about that.

Oh the end. So bittersweet and sad. I did like Edward. His death crushed me in Canon.

I love that Jimmy kissed him. That he wanted to make him a new memory. That Thomas said he only fell in love with people he couldn't have. That he was satisfied with Edward. Oh damn.
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