Reviews for The Maelstrom's Cup
talia chapter 10 . 10/15/2016
A truly beautiful fic. Will there ever be more?
Gable chapter 5 . 11/7/2015
god..this story is beautiful. I hope some day you can update if you mean to continue.
jenn chapter 1 . 9/8/2015
Thought of a nickname foe the Dean n Seth in this story.. Bloxley
Alex chapter 10 . 8/7/2015
Omg is this is the end if this is it its not what i expect from you and if its not i hope you update soon with some actions enmity with someone could hurt one of them update soon love u
RedCatEye chapter 10 . 4/11/2015
Is this going to be updated? I really loved it and I hope there's a continuation. :)
xthevampirex chapter 1 . 3/30/2015
Are you going to be updating this...? I love this story so much!
xthevampirex chapter 10 . 2/27/2015
Oh my god this is one of my favorites that I've ever read. I love the way you portray them both and you should definitely update soon. This is amazing.
BelieveInTheHoundsOfJustice60 chapter 10 . 2/16/2015
Great story
Guest chapter 10 . 2/5/2015
Amazing story !
JerichoholicAnonymous chapter 1 . 7/2/2014
I'm so lucky to have found this story. I've read it twice in its entirety. It's an absolute gem. Your writing is off the charts incredible. The way you describe the characters, their emotions, the scenery... You convey everything so well that it's like I'm right there in the context of the story. The way you've captured is Jon's instability is just spot on. I can seriously go on and on about this story. I really hope you update this soon because I am so eager to read more of it.
azzydemon chapter 10 . 3/28/2014
You write amazing story. It is very beautiful and sensual. I read it all at once and feel now, that I fell in love with these characters and this city. The story itself is similar to the novel, and the details of life in Puerto Rico do everything happening is real and alive. Please write more. I don't know how to Express their thoughts in English, sorry for the mistake.
Ambrosealley88 chapter 10 . 3/20/2014
This story is just amazing. That's really all I can say without babbling like an idiot. Keep up the great work.
GatesVengeance chapter 10 . 3/17/2014
This was another great chapter! I look forward to reading this with every update I get :)
notherenotyet chapter 10 . 3/14/2014
Sparkles Blue chapter 10 . 3/14/2014
I know that I probably say this every review but your writing is simply sublime! I love your characterization, imagery and storyline. This story is simply amazing!
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