Reviews for It Takes One to Know One
Midnight chapter 1 . 8/17/2013
I have to sigh at this one. Its amazing how well written this is but you haven't finished it. It kills me just a little to keep wanting to reread this fic. Its very different from a lot of the other ones that have been written for CCS and thats what makes it so special. I hope, so much, that you decide to finish it.
ReLiC AnGeL chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
This is quite the charming fic for a SakuraxTomoyo pairing.
Gena chapter 1 . 7/28/2011
I don't care that it has been nine years, I still lurk around this story waiting for a chapter two. Because it is worth it!
Reader458 chapter 1 . 4/9/2009
Oh I love this story.

*Sigh* Sakura/Tomoyo is my absolute favourite ship in CCS. And it's such a sad story too, with the parts of Sakura having lost Tomoyo not just once, but twice.

Will it be a triangle between Tomoyo/Future!Sakura/Sakura? Of course F!Sakura would have to forgive herself first for that to work. But then, she could use the Illusion-card on Sakura to show her what her life had been like after Tomoyos death.

Good luck with the writing.

spritznar chapter 1 . 12/16/2007
i'd like to sign gena's petition for some continuation of this story. seriously, even if you never finish can't you write at least a little more? this is so great. i love how tomoyo wakes up with a 206 year old sakura after a suicide attempt and just takes it all in stride. i think this single chapter just became my favorite cardcaptor sakura fanfiction ever. i would be unbelievably happy if you added to it
gena chapter 1 . 11/18/2007
i tried to start a petition to show that there are those out here dying for at least one more chapter, even if it is never complete, we just want one more chapter. but the holiday season has gotten in my way and i could only find about six people to mark my petition. i just love what has been put forth so far. i have a print out, i read it often like favourite book. i am quite curious as to how sakura receives her older self and the confrontation between the two and her reaction to tomoyo's attempt at suicide. just thinking about it makes me feel all giddy. would tomoyo be caught between something between sakura and her older self or would it be sakura caught between something between tomoyo and her older self?
YuliaVolkovaROX chapter 1 . 5/30/2007
LOL. "Keep it under 3 chapters"? You really, really... really... should try and write a continuation of this. It is *wonderfully* set up... T_T

Waiting patiently (years on P),

fiorae chapter 1 . 2/23/2007
since i'm at school i cant login. anyway, i love your writing style. the scenes are described so vividly that you can imagine them in the most beautiful of views. and i like how you kept the concept of the cards tied in with your story of sakura and tomoyo's feelings for each other. i must admit, i often forget to include details like that that play such an important role in the original work in my fiction renditions of stories. i'll have to return once i get home to put your story on my watch and fav list. i look forward to an update to this story.

sincerly yours,

Jing King of Bandits chapter 1 . 8/1/2006
very well written. makes me think. i like that. :]

anxiously waiting for the next chapter [?]
longhairedgeek chapter 1 . 6/1/2006
Very well written but too too short.

as someone also wrote before, I check back every little while to see if this or something like it is written.

This is one of the few ways I can see this resolved as Tomoyo is too shy and Sakura too oblivious.
Gena chapter 1 . 9/16/2005
i think it is quite an insult that something this good should go with only six reviews. i love this story. i am hoping that more will be added to it. i read it atleast twice a month. it cheers me up. i am a devoted groupie to this piece of fanfiction and also 'conjure me'.
holly chapter 1 . 1/17/2005
where are you? you have got to continue with this. what an amazing fic. and a surprise twist, too! oh wow. please email me if you update, it would be so amazing to read more of this. i love it.
Gena chapter 1 . 8/4/2003
i have been sitting here for months thinking of something to say. and hoping that it would be somewhat motivational. despite my claims of wanting be a writer i am not good with this. trying to wait patiently isn't a strong point of mine. and read this story over and over. you write so beautifully i wonder when it will continue. everytime i read this and some of your other stories i walk away from the computer feeling inspired even if i don't write anything. i give offers of first born children. not mine, but those of others. few are already housebroken.
Net chapter 1 . 4/18/2003
AH UPDATE PLZ i beg u...PLZ wahaahahaha plz update plz i really liked this tory plz update for me plz
3656754278737 chapter 1 . 11/5/2002
Ee! I *loved* this! I can't wait for you to continue...and I'll be reading 'Conjure Me', too.
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