Reviews for Kim Possible: Model Hero
Zero Arashi Uchiha chapter 11 . 10/9
Good performance.
KimPossiblefanboy818 chapter 11 . 9/26/2018
i have to tell the truth, I was VERY hesitant on this one. But after getting bored and deciding to give it a shot im very glad I did! Lol i should've known! All your stories are good duh! Well, thanks for another great story

Signing Off,
nahte123456 chapter 11 . 9/1/2016
Let's be honest, good stuff, I like your writing and your characters.

Bad stuff, for one I just don't like the plot, that's personal though. Next up is Kim just seems to passive, between her, the Tweebs, and Wade I have trouble believing this is possible.

I guess in the end my point is that this is a good story, but not for me, and it seems really off for a KP story.
LycanRed chapter 11 . 10/15/2015
I have to say, after reading several of your works, you are an absolutely amazing writer. Your work may not be the most well written stuff around, and there are some things I'm sure could use polishing(aren't there always), but that pales in comparison to what you bring to the table.


Everything I've read from you has been so incredibly new. I have been reading fanfiction on this site for years. I've all but tapped out most of the fandoms that I care to follow. In all that time, I have become so very aware of how stale it all can be, and then, after finding your story Kim Possible:Trophies again, I decided to look into the rest of your work.

Even when treading the over-fished waters of various ships, you do so in such an interesting way. Sure, the interaction between Kim and Shego in the bathroom may have been a tad out of left field, and the ensuing emotions a tad rushed, but the interactions themselves are definitely not the norm, and the overall plot of the story beyond romance is definitely unique.

Overall, as already stated, your work is great, and I will likely read most of, if not all of your work, given time. Thank you for the breath of fresh air. Kudos.

BlackRoseFire chapter 11 . 6/13/2015
Awesome story. I really liked how you had everything put together and tied neatly at the end.
ManicAntics chapter 11 . 6/17/2014
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand Kimmie manipulates the press yet again! That girl's a master!
Rain Addict CM chapter 11 . 5/12/2014
I want more! Lol. If Deva can do a tthreeway why can't Kim/Bonnie/Shego? All well. Extremely entertaining story.
DarXe chapter 11 . 1/26/2014
I'm still not a big Bonnie fan, and Bonnie with Kim makes me almost gag. I do however like them as friends. This was a good story.
mystery chapter 11 . 8/3/2013
I have to say i LOVE the way you portrayed Bonnie in this story
i hope you do the same in your future storiese
Karon19 chapter 11 . 7/24/2013
I enjoyed the Kim/Bon romance better. They just clicked more. Maybe it's all the Kigos out there that have flooded the genre.

Someday, Bonnie. Someday.

Karon19 chapter 9 . 7/24/2013
Shego's in love with Kim and Bonnie's breaking up the team. Poor Kim has nothing but bad luck in love.
But Bonnie has a point. This is all just image, so what's the point in keeping up false pretenses? Maybe it's best to end it now.

thmanwithnoname chapter 11 . 7/21/2013
Okay, I love KoGo, and I don't like to complain about stories I like, but maybe, someday, you can write something where Bonnie gets Kim for keeps? I really felt bad for her by the end of this.

(Otherwise, another great one, even if it was a bit darker than I particularly care for.)
Karon19 chapter 6 . 7/12/2013
Seems out of character for Jack Hench. And I don't think Senior would stoop to using such underhanded tactics. He's too much the honorable villain. He's the kind of guy that will allow a hero time to escape from his trap. Remember, it's a hobby to him.

Now this feels like an ending, but I see I still have a few chapters to go. So I'm eager to see how Kim deals with this new information.

Karon19 chapter 5 . 7/12/2013
There is no privacy in fashion. Gods, what a horrible world that must be to live in. Is it wrong that I found the whole ménage thing as kind of hot? I mean Kim and Bonnie. Bonnie and Kim. Who hasn't thought about it. And that Deva...

Karon19 chapter 4 . 7/12/2013
A lot of interesting stuff happening here. Bon and Kim do some bonding and will probably serve as each other's connection to sanity while dealing with the crazy and unforgiving world of fashion. I knew that Deva was up to no good. It's an ugly world she lives in, and no one who lives in it can truly be looking out for Kim's best interests.

A Kim and Bon teampup. I like it.

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