Reviews for Hallucinations
Sepsis chapter 1 . 6/18/2013
I think this was perfect. The way you wrote him, how he thinks of Odin and the prison, and what at least in his mind Odin planned with everything. The relationship between him and his mother, how he wanted them to be alone.. Wow! I loved this so much. :) You wrote him perfectly.
ninepen chapter 1 . 6/17/2013
You know, I'm not sure how much "affection" I see in that prison, but certainly especially if you take mythology into account, he could have it much much worse! Actually I was devastated for Loki when I first saw that image (after I stopped screaming and got hold of myself...there might have been screaming, I don't recall now...), because the first thought that came to mind was "he's a stolen relic, locked away until someone has use of him". Argh, poor Loki!

I love how dark this is. So many people shy away from Loki's darkness. And I've never been one to pay much attention to titles (a bad habit!) so I was definitely taken by surprise that he hallucinated the whole thing. And how sad that is! It speaks to how long he's been there, the mind can only take so much true aloneness and lack of stimulation before you probably would start hallucinating things. I like how it's minimalist in many ways, yet you still convey such depth. "she causes far more pain than pleasure" with her visits - I can totally see that, and I love that it's different than what's normally portrayed in such scenarios, that Frigga is sort of his one point of comfort (which can also work very well, I just enjoy seeing things done differently).

You really get at Loki's selfishness here with the "her love, her loyalty, belonging to none but him alone". I'm not sure how deliberately you intended that, but I do think Loki's quite selfish. It's not something you see brought out much in fanfics.

Wow, and then this idea that he would manipulate her, use her to get to Thor and Odin, to drive a wedge between her and Odin - presumably ultimately to gain his freedom - very dark but not at all out of character for Loki by the point of Avengers I think. And then it makes me think, perhaps this is part of what causes the pain, that he knows he will use her this way if he needs to.

You end it very nicely - "And now, Marvel presents, Thor 2: The Dark World!" ;-) Pretty seamless, at least for what we see in the teaser-trailer. I have shied away from stories based on the teaser because it seems somewhat strange to me, but for some reason I opened this one and I'm glad I did.